ConnectSDK / Connect-SDK-iOS-API-Sampler

iOS API Sampler
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Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 error without CocoaPods #23

Closed yuchin067 closed 9 years ago

yuchin067 commented 9 years ago

According to official documents to perform a manual installation. I got the following error:

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_OBJCMETACLASS$_GCKCastChannel", referenced from: _OBJCMETACLASS$_CastServiceChannel in libConnectSDK.a(CastServiceChannel.o) "_OBJCCLASS$_GCKCastChannel", referenced from: _OBJCCLASS$_CastServiceChannel in libConnectSDK.a(CastServiceChannel.o) "_OBJCCLASS$_DiscoveryController", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libConnectSDK.a(FireTVDiscoveryProvider.o) "_OBJCCLASS$_BFExecutor", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libConnectSDK.a(FireTVCapabilityMixin.o) "_OBJCCLASS$_GCKDeviceScanner", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libConnectSDK.a(CastDiscoveryProvider.o) "_kGCKMediaDefaultReceiverApplicationID", referenced from: -[CastService castWebAppId] in libConnectSDK.a(CastService.o) "_kGCKMetadataKeySubtitle", referenced from:

I confirm GoogleCast.framework, AmazonFling.framework and Bolts.framework have put inside Connect SDK module. The "Build Phases" with "Link Binary with Libraries" has correct setting. The "Other Linker Flags" add -ObjC.

I fully according to instructions on the manual to do, but it did have errors. Was I missing something?

This is my project. ( How can I fix it, thanks.

eunikolsky commented 9 years ago

@yuchin067, you haven't linked the external frameworks with the app itself., step 4:

Link GoogleCast.framework with your application target, step 3:

Link AmazonFling.framework, Bolts.framework, libc++.dylib, and AdSupport.framework with your application target.

eunikolsky commented 9 years ago

@yuchin067, we've clarified that step in the READMEs. Please check now and thanks for reporting this.

yuchin067 commented 9 years ago

It work around now, thank you. But it still have some problems. It always crash, when it found the Roku TV. The program stop in the following code:
[apps enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSDictionary appInfoDictionary, NSUInteger idx, BOOL stop) How can I fix it, thanks.

eunikolsky commented 9 years ago

@yuchin067, what Roku device and its firmware do you have? What ConnectSDK version do you use? Please attach a stack trace for the issue. Also, to help with the debugging, please enable logs (uncomment line 28 in ConnectSDK-Prefix.pch) and attach the replies from your Roku device. Thanks.

yuchin067 commented 9 years ago

Sorry, too late for you. The Roku firmware version is 6.2.build3467 and ConnectSDK version is 1.5.0. The error log file as follows, Thanks.

eunikolsky commented 9 years ago

@yuchin067, the Roku issue is here now: