Open HarshadTechmero opened 8 months ago
did you solve this problem?
@Sakurathanh2003 i have resolved the issue but i am not able to send pairing code to device. have you fix this issue?
var discoveryManager = DiscoveryManager.shared() discoveryManager?.registerDefaultServices() let videoCapabilities = [ kMediaPlayerPlayVideo, kMediaControlAny, kVolumeControlVolumeUpDown ]
let imageCapabilities = [kMediaPlayerDisplayImage] let videoFilter = CapabilityFilter(capabilities: videoCapabilities) let imageFilter = CapabilityFilter(capabilities: imageCapabilities) discoveryManager?.delegate = self discoveryManager?.capabilityFilters = [videoFilter, imageFilter] discoveryManager?.pairingLevel = DeviceServicePairingLevelOn discoveryManager?.registerDeviceService(WebOSTVService.self, withDiscovery: SSDPDiscoveryProvider.self) discoveryManager?.registerDeviceService(AirPlayService.self, withDiscovery: ZeroConfDiscoveryProvider.self) discoveryManager?.registerDeviceService(CastService.self, withDiscovery: CastDiscoveryProvider.self) discoveryManager?.registerDeviceService(DIALService.self, withDiscovery: SSDPDiscoveryProvider.self) discoveryManager?.registerDeviceService(RokuService.self, withDiscovery: SSDPDiscoveryProvider.self) discoveryManager?.registerDeviceService(DLNAService.self, withDiscovery: SSDPDiscoveryProvider.self) discoveryManager?.startDiscovery() extension ConnectingDeviceViewController: DiscoveryManagerDelegate { func discoveryManager(_ manager: DiscoveryManager!, didFind device: ConnectableDevice!) { // A ConnectableDevice was found print(device.friendlyName ?? "") } func discoveryManager(_ manager: DiscoveryManager!, didLose device: ConnectableDevice!) { // A ConnectableDevice was lost print(device.friendlyName ?? "") } func discoveryManagerDidFailWithError(_ error: Error!) { print("Discovery error: \(error.localizedDescription)") }
delegate method not called and smart TV device not found
Might I ask which version of google-cast did you use? I can't discover Android TV in the network, only can discover LG, Samsung TVs.
ConnectSDK Not Support All Android TV but in my code i have discover my OnePlus TV.
Are you Able to send pairing code to Smart TV(LG, Samsung or etc.)?
Yes we can pair code to Smart TV but can't find our TCL TV
@HarshadTechmero hello. I have same issue that you have initially. Still cannot find TV devices in local wifi network. But another AppStore apps works good
How you resolved issue? Can you help me? I described problem here
@crash481 have you enable Multicasting on your Developer Account and Entitlement
i hope this should be help for find device
@crash481 you can use this lib/code for android device connect and pairing code, i am able to connect and control key event.
This issue has been resolved by enabling "Multicast Networking" ( Request Apple to enable this advanced capability in your developer account for a particular Apple identifier. Provide proper justification on using this capability in your app.
URL to make a request is:
Ones Apple approved, enable this capability to app's bundle identifier in your developer certificates account. After this, add "" = YES in your entitlement file in your project.
After all this, your app discovers all the devices immediately. Enjoy Coding! :)
delegate method not called and smart TV device not found