ConnectSDK / Connect-SDK-iOS

iOS source project for Connect SDK
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Samsung TV not supports remote keyControl buttons #272

Open crash481 opened 3 months ago

crash481 commented 3 months ago

Hello I successfully connected to Samsung TV Volume up/down is working via device.volumeControl() But device.keyControl() is nil, and I cannot use "Home", "Up", "Down" and other buttons

Also there is no pairing while connecting on Samsung. It needs to appear a confirmation on TV screen, but not appears

Also for LG (webOS) all working is fine, confirmation appears, device.keyControl() exists and I can call Home button press.

Please help, is Samsung not support key controls, or I doing something wrong?

crash481 commented 3 months ago

I have another code that works good with Samsung, but it will be nice if ConnectSDK can support it

crash481 commented 3 months ago

@iheart2code @henrylevak @iadnan @jonghenhan @seokhee-lee @jlai @dung2le @oleksii-frolov @lgcast-dev

HarshadTechmero commented 3 months ago

Hello I successfully connected to Samsung TV Volume up/down is working via device.volumeControl() But device.keyControl() is nil, and I cannot use "Home", "Up", "Down" and other buttons

Also there is no pairing while connecting on Samsung. It needs to appear a confirmation on TV screen, but not appears

Also for LG (webOS) all working is fine, confirmation appears, device.keyControl() exists and I can call Home button press.

Please help, is Samsung not support key controls, or I doing something wrong?

@crash481 great to hear like you able to connect with your Samsung TV. As per my research you can use SmartView SDK for Samsung TV Remote Control.

I am also working with ConnectSDK but i am not able to pair with my Android Device, Can you help me for resolve my issue?

HarshadTechmero commented 3 months ago

Hello I successfully connected to Samsung TV Volume up/down is working via device.volumeControl() But device.keyControl() is nil, and I cannot use "Home", "Up", "Down" and other buttons

Also there is no pairing while connecting on Samsung. It needs to appear a confirmation on TV screen, but not appears

Also for LG (webOS) all working is fine, confirmation appears, device.keyControl() exists and I can call Home button press.

Please help, is Samsung not support key controls, or I doing something wrong?

ConnectSDK Build for only LG Device may be but not sure as per my research.

You can use

crash481 commented 3 months ago

@HarshadTechmero I tried now only for iOS. For android I will try only when success with iOS After I want to map this libs to Flutter and make Flutter cross platform app.

Thank you for Samsung SDK!

I want to support Samsung, Lg, Roku, Google TV, Fire TV, Android TV

With what TVs you connected already successfully and used remotes? Did you solve problem that TVs not visible before turning them off and after on?

HarshadTechmero commented 3 months ago

For the ConnectSDK i have fetch devices but not able to pair with TV so i am not continue with ConnectSDK.

For AndroidTV and GoogleTV you use this

crash481 commented 3 months ago

@crash481 great to hear like you able to connect with your Samsung TV. As per my research you can use SmartView SDK for Samsung TV Remote Control.

@HarshadTechmero thanks, but I was not able to connect to Samsung to have availability to send remote control button press. Only volume control is available and it is not a win, I need to send such buttons like "Home" "Up" and others

About Samsung SmartViewSDK, this is some Application ID, that sounds needs to be requested from Samsung?

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 15 39 43
crash481 commented 3 months ago

@HarshadTechmero for iOS version I can help you with pairing LG, if you need help with it - I will do

HarshadTechmero commented 3 months ago

Currently i am working on Android and GoogleTV not samsung and LG, if i need i will told you

have you try with TVRemote ?

nhatha12368 commented 2 months ago

@crash481 Can you help me with LG tv (webOS)? I can assist you with Samsung TV

Gopal02024 commented 2 months ago

@HarshadTechmero Are you work on Amazon FireTV? If yes how to do actions of Home, menu, Back, Navigation arrows and Volume keys.

HarshadTechmero commented 2 months ago

@Gopal02024 I am not worked on Amazon Fire TV

tung89hihi1123 commented 1 month ago

Tôi có một mã khác hoạt động tốt với Samsung, nhưng sẽ tuyệt hơn nếu ConnectSDK có thể hỗ trợ nó

can u have me to find and connect samsungtv?