ConnectedHumber / Air-Quality-Web

The web interface and JSON api for the ConnectedHumber Air Quality Monitoring Project.
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Show sensor value for the nodes #47

Open bsimmo opened 4 years ago

bsimmo commented 4 years ago

Add an option to overlay the actualy sensor reading for the device in numbers, much like you get on a weather map. Possibly replace the inverted-drop.

This would save going to each device to see what the reading is.
It would help colour blind people also (as an added bonus)

(also see old random dodgy drawings in mattermost for examples)

sbrl commented 4 years ago

Hey, @bsimmo! I'm not sure what you're referring to here, and I've lost the original image in mattermost. Could you repost it here please?

I'm not sure what you mean by "inverted-drop" either.

bsimmo commented 4 years ago

The map sensor marker/pin is called an invert-drop. (turn is 180 and it's a classical representaion of a water drop (though not actually the shape of a water drop image style or

Either a big number for the area, or a small umber to replace to drop, maybe in a circle

sbrl commented 4 years ago

Ah, I see @bsimmo - thanks for that.

I have actually modelled the icon again in inkscape:

I was thinking of using this and dynamically recolouring it to represent different things (e.g. dead devices in monochrome, etc.).

You're welcome to model another marker instead if you'd like. I'll need an SVG for it to work with the web interface though.