ConnectedHumber / Air-Quality-Web

The web interface and JSON api for the ConnectedHumber Air Quality Monitoring Project.
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Slow charts #58

Closed BNNorman closed 4 years ago

BNNorman commented 4 years ago

I noticed that some sensors take a long time to display the chart whereas the new UKA00450-02 (Freetown) is very quick. I'm using Firefox on Windows 10. This suggests that an SQL query or technique is at fault.

I set Firefiox in network mode - you can see the results here ...


It looks like the list-reading-types action is the culprit so, on my Pi 3b+, I did some query tests. Initially I used DISTINCT then, as you do, I used GROUP - that made little difference on the last two queries below. So not that cause. With no date restriction the query I used took 5.56s and with a date limitation I got it down to 0.38s

# no date restriction

MariaDB [aq_db]> select distinct short_descr from reading_value_types join reading_values on join readings on 
> where readings.device_id=38;
| short_descr |
| temperature |
| PM10        |
| humidity    |
| pressure    |
| PM25        |
5 rows in set (5.56 sec)

# date restricted to last two days
Selecting readings seen in the last day
MariaDB [aq_db]> select distinct short_descr from reading_value_types join reading_values on join readings on 
> where readings.device_id=38 and datediff(now(),s_or_r)<=1;
| short_descr |
| temperature |
| PM10        |
| humidity    |
| pressure    |
| PM25        |
5 rows in set (1.20 sec)

# date restricted to today still using distinct

MariaDB [aq_db]> select distinct short_descr from reading_value_types join reading_values on join readings on 
> where readings.device_id=38 and datediff(now(),s_or_r)=0;
| short_descr |
| temperature |
| PM10        |
| humidity    |
| pressure    |
| PM25        |
5 rows in set (0.38 sec)

# date restricted to today using GROUP

MariaDB [aq_db]> select  short_descr from reading_value_types join reading_values on join readings on 
> where readings.device_id=38 and datediff(now(),s_or_r)=0 group by short_descr;
| short_descr |
| humidity    |
| PM10        |
| PM25        |
| pressure    |
| temperature |
5 rows in set (0.40 sec)

What I do notice is that your list_device_types query doesn't limit the data by date. I do this to restrict the values returned to today (the default display).

In my first attempt the query took 5 seconds but in subsequent queries where I used datediff() it came down to less than half a second

This, I think, explains why some charts take a lot longer to render.

Furthermore, you can detect how long ago the last reading was and choose the default chart display accordingly using min(datedif(...)) as below

# my sensor - still active
MariaDB [aq_db]> select  min(datediff(now(),s_or_r)) from readings where device_id=38;                                                                                                         +-----------------------------+
| min(datediff(now(),s_or_r)) |
|                           0 |
1 row in set (0.37 sec)

# freetown UKA00450-01 inactive for the past week or so
MariaDB [aq_db]> select  min(datediff(now(),s_or_r)) from readings where device_id=29;
| min(datediff(now(),s_or_r)) |
|                          12 |
1 row in set (1.38 sec)

I have an old copy of the aq map on my Pi - it takes a similar length of time to display the chart for my device.

I understand you want to provide a button list of all types to click on but maybe this can be derived from the device_sensors table by splitting the description. For example a device with BME280 and SDS011 has Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, PM2.5 and PM10

MariaDB [aq_db]> select * from sensors;
| id | Type     | Description                       |
|  1 | BME280   | Temperature,Pressure,Humidity     |
|  2 | BME680   | Temperature,Pressure,Humidity,VOC |
|  3 | SDS011   | PM2.5,PM10                        |
|  4 | PMS7003  | PM1.0,PM2.5,PM10                  |
|  5 | NEO-6M   | GNSS                              |
|  6 | DHT11    | Humidity,Temperature              |
|  7 | BMP280   | Pressure,Temperature              |
|  8 | DS18B20  | Temperature                       |
|  9 | MICS6814 | NO2,CO,NH3                        |
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Currently, these strings match the reading_value_types short_descr - with the exception of PM2.5 which is recorded as PM25, but I can change that in no time.

Perhaps we can discuss this at the next meetup on thursday. Sorry it's such a long post.

sbrl commented 4 years ago

No problem! Definitely looks like you've done your research on this one. Some improvements to make on the existing system, to be sure!

Yeah, let's discuss at the hw meetup tomorrow.

BNNorman commented 4 years ago

Maybe a stored procedure would help? Something to identify if there are readings in last day/week/month etc. This would also help with choosing the active date range button on the chart.

BNNorman commented 4 years ago

I have added a new column to devices 'last_seen' which is updated when new records are added so it should always show the latest s_or_r. That should speed a few things up when you get around to modding your code.

sbrl commented 4 years ago

Implemented! Thanks for that @BNNorman. Try it in beta:

If it's good for you, I'll push that and the other performance improvement we made recently to stable in 1.13.2.

BNNorman commented 4 years ago

Just tried a handful of sensors, very much quicker. Go for it.