Analytics/ - Imported the new Attribute range DB model
Analytics/importers/,| | | tfl_bike_points | | - appended the attribute range decorator to all the importers
Analytics/models/ - Added methods to find the min and max values for an attribute and to retrieve the most recently added timestamp from an attribute table
New files
Analytics/importers/ - Queries all attribute tables for their maximum and minimum values after an importer is run
Analytics/models/ - DB model class to store the min and max values of each attribute
Analytics/ - tests the functionality of the alert widget decorator
Updated files
Analytics/ - Imported the new Attribute range DB model Analytics/importers/,| | | tfl_bike_points | | - appended the attribute range decorator to all the importers Analytics/models/ - Added methods to find the min and max values for an attribute and to retrieve the most recently added timestamp from an attribute table
New files Analytics/importers/ - Queries all attribute tables for their maximum and minimum values after an importer is run Analytics/models/ - DB model class to store the min and max values of each attribute Analytics/ - tests the functionality of the alert widget decorator