ConnectionScience / TweetPing

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What Can We Learn Developer Use of Twitter API #14

Open dazzaji opened 8 years ago

dazzaji commented 8 years ago

Let's compare the data we get and how we use it between this Tweetping collaboration and directly using some of the following Twitter API capabilities:



FranckErnewein commented 8 years ago

we mainly use

dazzaji commented 8 years ago

Thanks for confirming that, Frank. This looks like a perfect match.

If we understand correctly, it appears the mockup provided by Tweetping could be supported by some Site Stream combination of "track" (using a comma-separated list of phrases which will be used to determine what Tweets will be delivered on the stream) and "follow" (using a comma-separated list of user IDs, indicating the users whose Tweets should be delivered on the stream) and maybe geo zones around participating cities (ie: with a comma-separated list of longitude,latitude pairs specifying a set of bounding boxes to filter Tweets by). There are other API-accessible ways to ensure exact matches of content and counts of tweets but for purposes at this point the basic Site Stream seems very appropriate.

It appears that the "count" parameter is not available for Site Streams but is available for elevated access to use. Just curious - does TweetPing have experience using elevated access or have you ever tried getting a count directly from Twitter?

FranckErnewein commented 8 years ago

We have never used follow but we use track and location parameters We need to test but track and location are with the OR parameter, not AND Meaning that you can not use both at the same time: If I track tweets in Boston Area and tweets about MIT : location=[boston_coordinates]&track=mit I would receive all the tweets from Boston even if they don't talk about MIT AND all the tweet about MIT even if they're not in Boston

I dont know how follow works, But I guess it's the same So we would have to use post-filters

dazzaji commented 8 years ago

I haven't used this either, but I do like the mockup you guys sent. Let's see what happens!