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Migrate vCard support to a parsing liibrary. #356

Closed shazahm1 closed 7 years ago

shazahm1 commented 10 years ago

I'll either have to write one from scratch as there is none that are available that seems any good with the exception of possible this one:

The library should recognize all/write all properties, even application specific. ref:

shazahm1 commented 10 years ago
 * Parse vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 *  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please
 * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @category  File_Formats
 * @package   Contact_Vcard_Parse
 * @author    Paul M. Jones <>
 * @copyright 1997-2007 The PHP Group
 * @license  PHP License 2.0
 * @version   CVS: $Id: Parse.php 288533 2009-09-21 15:04:29Z till $
 * @link

 * Parser for vCards.
 * This class parses vCard 2.1 and 3.0 sources from file or text into a
 * structured array.
 * Usage:
 * <code>
 *     // include this class file
 *     require_once 'Contact_Vcard_Parse.php';
 *     // instantiate a parser object
 *     $parse = new Contact_Vcard_Parse();
 *     // parse a vCard file and store the data
 *     // in $cardinfo
 *     $cardinfo = $parse->fromFile('sample.vcf');
 *     // view the card info array
 *     echo '<pre>';
 *     print_r($cardinfo);
 *     echo '</pre>';
 * </code>
 * @category  File_Formats
 * @package   Contact_Vcard_Parse
 * @author    Paul M. Jones <>
 * @copyright 1997-2007 The PHP Group
 * @license  PHP License 3.0
 * @version   Release: 1.31.0
 * @link
class Contact_Vcard_Parse
     * Reads a file for parsing, then sends it to $this->fromText()
     * and returns the results.
     * @param array   $filename  The filename to read for vCard information.
     * @param boolean $decode_qp Optional; Decode quoted printable if true. This
     *        is the default.
     * @return array An array of of vCard information extracted from the
     *         file.
     * @access public
     * @see    self::fromText()
     * @see    self::_fromArray()
    function fromFile($filename, $decode_qp = true)
        $text = $this->fileGetContents($filename);

        if ($text === false) {
            return false;
        // dump to, and get return from, the fromText() method.
        return $this->fromText($text, $decode_qp);

     * Reads the contents of a file.  Included for users whose PHP < 4.3.0.
     * @param array $filename The filename to read for vCard information.
     * @access public
     * @return string|bool The contents of the file if it exists and is
     *         readable, or boolean false if not.
     * @see self::fromFile()
    function fileGetContents($filename)
        if (file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename)) {

            $text = '';
            $len  = filesize($filename);

            $fp = fopen($filename, 'r');
            while ($line = fread($fp, filesize($filename))) {
                $text .= $line;

            return $text;

        return false;

     * Prepares a block of text for parsing, then sends it through and
     * returns the results from $this->fromArray().
     * @param array   $text      A block of text to read for vCard information.
     * @param boolean $decode_qp Optional; Decode quoted printable if true. This
     *        is the default.
     * @access public
     * @return array An array of vCard information extracted from the
     *         source text.
     * @see self::_fromArray()
    function fromText($text, $decode_qp = true)
        // convert all kinds of line endings to Unix-standard and get
        // rid of double blank lines.

        // unfold lines.  concat two lines where line 1 ends in \n and
        // line 2 starts with a whitespace character.  only removes
        // the first whitespace character, leaves others in place.
        $fold_regex = '(\n)([ |\t])';
        $text       = preg_replace("/$fold_regex/i", "", $text);

        // massage for Macintosh OS X Address Book (remove nulls that
        // Address Book puts in for unicode chars)
        $text = str_replace("\x00", '', $text);

        // convert the resulting text to an array of lines
        $lines = explode("\n", $text);

        // parse the array of lines and return vCard info
        return $this->_fromArray($lines, $decode_qp);

     * Converts line endings in text.
     * Takes any text block and converts all line endings to UNIX
     * standard. DOS line endings are \r\n, Mac are \r, and UNIX is \n.
     * NOTE: Acts on the text block in-place; does not return a value.
     * @param string &$text The string on which to convert line endings.
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function convertLineEndings(&$text)
        // DOS
        $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);

        // Mac
        $text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text);

     * Splits a string into an array at semicolons.  Honors backslash-
     * escaped semicolons (i.e., splits at ';' not '\;').
     * @param string  $text          The string to split into an array.
     * @param boolean $convertSingle If splitting the string results in a
     *        single array element, return a string instead of a one-
     *        element array. Optional - defaults to false
     * @access public
     * @return mixed An array of values, or a single string.
    function splitBySemi($text, $convertSingle = false)
        // we use these double-backs (\\) because they get get converted
        // to single-backs (\) by preg_split.  the quad-backs (\\\\) end
        // up as as double-backs (\\), which is what preg_split requires
        // to indicate a single backslash (\). what a mess.
        $regex = '(?<!\\\\)(\;)';
        $tmp   = preg_split("/$regex/i", $text);

        // if there is only one array-element and $convertSingle is
        // true, then return only the value of that one array element
        // (instead of returning the array).
        if ($convertSingle && count($tmp) == 1) {
            return $tmp[0];
        return $tmp;

     * Splits a string into an array at commas.  Honors backslash-
     * escaped commas (i.e., splits at ',' not '\,').
     * @param string  $text          The string to split into an array.
     * @param boolean $convertSingle If splitting the string results in a
     *        single array element, return a string instead of a one-
     *        element array. Optional - defaults to false.
     * @access public
     * @return mixed An array of values, or a single string.
    function splitByComma($text, $convertSingle = false)
        // we use these double-backs (\\) because they get get converted
        // to single-backs (\) by preg_split.  the quad-backs (\\\\) end
        // up as as double-backs (\\), which is what preg_split requires
        // to indicate a single backslash (\). ye gods, how ugly.
        $regex = '(?<!\\\\)(\,)';
        $tmp   = preg_split("/$regex/i", $text);

        // if there is only one array-element and $convertSingle is
        // true, then return only the value of that one array element
        // (instead of returning the array).
        if ($convertSingle && count($tmp) == 1) {
            return $tmp[0];
        return $tmp;

     * Used to make string human-readable after being a vCard value.
     * Converts...
     *     \: => :
     *     \; => ;
     *     \, => ,
     *     literal \n => newline
     * @param mixed &$text The text to unescape.
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function unescape(&$text)
        if (is_array($text)) {
            foreach ($text as $key => $val) {
                $text[$key] = $val;
        $text = str_replace('\:', ':', $text);
        $text = str_replace('\;', ';', $text);
        $text = str_replace('\,', ',', $text);
        $text = str_replace('\n', "\n", $text);
        // combined
        $find    = array('\:', '\;', '\,', '\n');
        $replace = array(':',  ';',  ',',  "\n");
        $text    = str_replace($find, $replace, $text);

     * Emulated destructor.
     * @access private
     * @return boolean true
    function _Contact_Vcard_Parse()
        return true;

     * Parses an array of source lines and returns an array of vCards.
     * Each element of the array is itself an array expressing the types,
     * parameters, and values of each part of the vCard. Processes both
     * 2.1 and 3.0 vCard sources.
     * @param array   $source    An array of lines to be read for vCard
     *        information.
     * @param boolean $decode_qp Optional; Decode quoted printable if true.
     *        This is the default.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of of vCard information extracted from the
     *         source array.
    function _fromArray($source, $decode_qp = true)
        // the info array will hold all resulting vCard information.
        $info = array();

        // tells us whether the source text indicates the beginning of a
        // new vCard with a BEGIN:VCARD tag.
        $begin = false;

        // holds information about the current vCard being read from the
        // source text.
        $card = array();

        // loop through each line in the source array
        foreach ($source as $line) {

            // if the line is blank, skip it.
            if (trim($line) == '') {

            // find the first instance of ':' on the line.  The part
            // to the left of the colon is the type and parameters;
            // the part to the right of the colon is the value data.
            $pos = strpos($line, ':');

            // if there is no colon, skip the line.
            if ($pos === false) {

            // get the left and right portions
            $left  = trim(substr($line, 0, $pos));
            $right = trim(substr($line, $pos+1, strlen($line)));

            // have we started yet?
            if (! $begin) {

                // nope.  does this line indicate the beginning of
                // a new vCard?
                if (strtoupper($left) == 'BEGIN' && strtoupper($right) == 'VCARD') {

                    // tell the loop that we've begun a new card
                    $begin = true;

                // regardless, loop to the next line of source. if begin
                // is still false, the next loop will check the line. if
                // begin has now been set to true, the loop will start
                // collecting card info.

            } else {

                // yep, we've started, but we don't know how far along
                // we are in the card. is this the ending line of the
                // current vCard?
                if (strtoupper($left) == 'END' && strtoupper($right) == 'VCARD') {

                    // yep, we're done. keep the info from the current
                    // card...
                    $info[] = $card;

                    // ...and reset to grab a new card if one exists in
                    // the source array.
                    $begin = false;
                    $card  = array();

                } else {

                    // we're not on an ending line, so collect info from
                    // this line into the current card. split the
                    // left-portion of the line into a type-definition
                    // (the kind of information) and parameters for the
                    // type.
                    $typedef = $this->_getTypeDef($left);
                    $params  = $this->_getParams($left);

                    // if we are decoding quoted-printable, do so now.
                    // QUOTED-PRINTABLE is not allowed in version 3.0,
                    // but we don't check for versioning, so we do it
                    // regardless.  ;-)
                    $this->_decodeQp($params, $right);

                    // now get the value-data from the line, based on
                    // the typedef
                    switch ($typedef) {

                    case 'N':
                        // structured name of the person
                        $value = $this->_parseN($right);

                    case 'ADR':
                        // structured address of the person
                        $value = $this->_parseADR($right);

                    case 'NICKNAME':
                        // nicknames
                        $value = $this->_parseNICKNAME($right);

                    case 'ORG':
                        // organizations the person belongs to
                        $value = $this->_parseORG($right);

                    case 'CATEGORIES':
                        // categories to which this card is assigned
                        $value = $this->_parseCATEGORIES($right);

                    case 'GEO':
                        // geographic coordinates
                        $value = $this->_parseGEO($right);

                        // by default, just grab the plain value. keep
                        // as an array to make sure *all* values are
                        // arrays.  for consistency. ;-)
                        if (preg_match('/ITEM[0-9]*\.ADR/', $typedef)) {
                            $value = $this->_parseADR($right);
                        } else {
                            $value = array(array($right));

                    // add the type, parameters, and value to the
                    // current card array.  note that we allow multiple
                    // instances of the same type, which might be dumb
                    // in some cases (e.g., N).
                    $card[$typedef][] = array(
                        'param' => $params,
                        'value' => $value

        return $info;

     * Takes a vCard line and extracts the Type-Definition for the line.
     * @param string $text A left-part (before-the-colon part) from a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return string The type definition for the line.
    function _getTypeDef($text)
        // split the text by semicolons
        $split = $this->splitBySemi($text);

        // only return first element (the typedef)
        return strtoupper($split[0]);

     * Finds the Type-Definition parameters for a vCard line.
     * @param string $text A left-part (before-the-colon part) from a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return mixed An array of parameters.
    function _getParams($text)
        // split the text by semicolons into an array
        $split = $this->splitBySemi($text);

        // drop the first element of the array (the type-definition)

        // set up an array to retain the parameters, if any
        $params = array();

        // loop through each parameter.  the params may be in the format...
        // "TYPE=type1,type2,type3"
        //    ...or...
        // "TYPE=type1;TYPE=type2;TYPE=type3"
        foreach ($split as $full) {

            // split the full parameter at the equal sign so we can tell
            // the parameter name from the parameter value
            $tmp = explode("=", $full);

            // the key is the left portion of the parameter (before
            // '='). if in 2.1 format, the key may in fact be the
            // parameter value, not the parameter name.
            $key = strtoupper(trim($tmp[0]));

            // list of all parameter values
            if (!isset($tmp[1])) {

                // Parameter value without key - default to 'TYPE=<value>'
                $list = array($key);
                $name = 'TYPE';

            } else {

                // get the parameter name by checking to see if it's in
                // vCard 2.1 or 3.0 format.
                $name = $this->_getParamName($key);

                // list of all parameter values
                if (isset($tmp[1])) {
                    $listall = trim($tmp[1]);
                } else {
                    $listall = '';

                // if there is a value-list for this parameter, they are
                // separated by commas, so split them out too.
                $list = $this->splitByComma($listall);


            // now loop through each value in the parameter and retain
            // it.  if the value is blank, that means it's a 2.1-style
            // param, and the key itself is the value.
            foreach ($list as $val) {
                if (trim($val) != '') {
                    // 3.0 formatted parameter
                    $params[$name][] = trim($val);
                } else {
                    // 2.1 formatted parameter
                    $params[$name][] = $key;

            // if, after all this, there are no parameter values for the
            // parameter name, retain no info about the parameter (saves
            // ram and checking-time later).
            if (count($params[$name]) == 0) {

        // return the parameters array.
        return $params;

     * Looks at the parameters of a vCard line; if one of them is
     * ENCODING[] => QUOTED-PRINTABLE then decode the text in-place.
     * @param array  &$params A parameter array from a vCard line.
     * @param string &$text   A right-part (after-the-colon part) from a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return void
    function _decodeQp(&$params, &$text)
        // loop through each parameter
        foreach ($params as $param_key => $param_val) {

            // check to see if it's an encoding param
            if (trim(strtoupper($param_key)) != 'ENCODING') {

            // loop through each encoding param value
            foreach ($param_val as $enc_key => $enc_val) {

                // if any of the values are QP, decode the text
                // in-place and return
                $enc_val = trim(strtoupper($enc_val));
                if ($enc_val == 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE') {
                    $text = quoted_printable_decode($text);
                if ($enc_val == 'BASE64') {
                    $text = base64_decode($text);

     * Returns parameter names from 2.1-formatted vCards.
     * The vCard 2.1 specification allows parameter values without a
     * name. The parameter name is then determined from the unique
     * parameter value.
     * Shamelessly lifted from Frank Hellwig <> and his
     * vCard PHP project <>.
     * @param string $value The first element in a parameter name-value
     *        pair.
     * @access private
     * @return string The proper parameter name (TYPE, ENCODING, or
     *         VALUE).
    function _getParamName($value)
        static $types = array (
            'DOM', 'INTL', 'POSTAL', 'PARCEL','HOME', 'WORK',
            'PREF', 'VOICE', 'FAX', 'MSG', 'CELL', 'PAGER',
            'BBS', 'MODEM', 'CAR', 'ISDN', 'VIDEO',
            'AOL', 'APPLELINK', 'ATTMAIL', 'CIS', 'EWORLD',
            'INTERNET', 'IBMMAIL', 'MCIMAIL',
            'POWERSHARE', 'PRODIGY', 'TLX', 'X400',
            'GIF', 'CGM', 'WMF', 'BMP', 'MET', 'PMB', 'DIB',
            'PICT', 'TIFF', 'PDF', 'PS', 'JPEG', 'QTIME',
            'MPEG', 'MPEG2', 'AVI',
            'WAVE', 'AIFF', 'PCM',
            'X509', 'PGP'

        // CONTENT-ID added by pmj
        static $values = array (
            'INLINE', 'URL', 'CID', 'CONTENT-ID'

        // 8BIT added by pmj
        static $encodings = array (
            '7BIT', '8BIT', 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE', 'BASE64'

        // changed by pmj to the following so that the name defaults to
        // whatever the original value was.  Frank Hellwig's original
        // code was "$name = 'UNKNOWN'".
        $name = $value;

        if (in_array($value, $types)) {
            $name = 'TYPE';
        } elseif (in_array($value, $values)) {
            $name = 'VALUE';
        } elseif (in_array($value, $encodings)) {
            $name = 'ENCODING';
        return $name;

     * Parses a vCard line value identified as being of the "N"
     * (structured name) type-defintion.
     * @param string $text The right-part (after-the-colon part) of a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of key-value pairs where the key is the
     *         portion-name and the value is the portion-value. The value
     *         itself may be an array as well if multiple comma-separated
     *         values were indicated in the vCard source.
    function _parseN($text)
        // make sure there are always at least 5 elements
        $tmp = array_pad($this->splitBySemi($text), 5, '');
        return array(
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[0]), // family (last)
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[1]), // given (first)
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[2]), // addl (middle)
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[3]), // prefix
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[4])  // suffix

     * Parses a vCard line value identified as being of the "ADR"
     * (structured address) type-defintion.
     * @param string $text The right-part (after-the-colon part) of a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of key-value pairs where the key is the
     *         portion-name and the value is the portion-value. The 
     *         value itself may be an array as well if multiple comma-
     *         separated values were indicated in the vCard source.
    function _parseADR($text)
        // make sure there are always at least 7 elements
        $tmp = array_pad($this->splitBySemi($text), 7, '');
        return array(
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[0]), // pob
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[1]), // extend
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[2]), // street
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[3]), // locality (city)
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[4]), // region (state)
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[5]), // postcode (ZIP)
            $this->splitByComma($tmp[6])  // country

     * Parses a vCard line value identified as being of the "NICKNAME"
     * (informal or descriptive name) type-defintion.
     * @param string $text The right-part (after-the-colon part) of a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of nicknames.
    function _parseNICKNAME($text)
        return array($this->splitByComma($text));

     * Parses a vCard line value identified as being of the "ORG"
     * (organizational info) type-defintion.
     * @param string $text The right-part (after-the-colon part) of a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of organizations; each element of the array
     *         is itself an array, which indicates primary organization and
     *         sub-organizations.
    function _parseORG($text)
        $tmp  = $this->splitbySemi($text);
        $list = array();
        foreach ($tmp as $val) {
            $list[] = array($val);

        return $list;

     * Parses a vCard line value identified as being of the "CATEGORIES"
     * (card-category) type-defintion.
     * @param string $text The right-part (after-the-colon part) of a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of categories.
    function _parseCATEGORIES($text)
        return array($this->splitByComma($text));

     * Parses a vCard line value identified as being of the "GEO"
     * (geographic coordinate) type-defintion.
     * @param string $text The right-part (after-the-colon part) of a
     *        vCard line.
     * @access private
     * @return array An array of lat-lon geocoords.
    function _parseGEO($text)
        // make sure there are always at least 2 elements
        $tmp = array_pad($this->splitBySemi($text), 2, '');
        return array(
            array($tmp[0]), // lat
            array($tmp[1])  // lon
evought commented 9 years ago

You may wish to look at my project:

I started out with Nuovo's VCard parser and have extended it in exactly the direction you are intending. It is not yet complete but milestones are documented in the project to complete implementation and it is on track for a 1.0 release in the first quarter 2015. As there are not many milestones left before the pre-1.0 cleanup, if there are significant features you would want for your application (or priorities/comments on already entered issues), please provide feedback soon. Sample inputs of potentially problematic cards would also be greatly appreciated.

The library is targeted at supporting/representing/producing VCard 4.0, including application-defined properties and parameters. However, I am working at this moment on implementing VCard 2.1 CHARSET conversion, so backwards-compatibility/legacy import is a priority for the 1.0 release. VCard 2.1 line-folding, bare TYPE conversion, 3.0 PREF-as-TYPE conversion, etc, are already present. I also have an issue in the current milestone to cleanly separate parsing from representation so that the parser can be sub-classed, configured, or entirely replaced to support specific legacy formats or variants (already partly complete). The PropertySpecification/Property/PropertyBuilder class hierarchy should also allow painless implementation of other structures (e.g. tasks and calendar entries) based on the same model as VCard.

The 0.9.3 Milestone is scheduled for 8 January and I will post a pull request at that time (or before). I should have the latest round of Wiki design-and-usage updates up by then as well, but the API docs should be reasonably useful already and there is a large body of test-cases to work from for examples.

shazahm1 commented 7 years ago

Completed using the Pear IMC_File class.