ConnectyCube / connectycube-flutter-call-kit

A Flutter plugin for displaying call screen when the app in the background or terminated.
Apache License 2.0
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Crash when receiving apns voip push #144

Closed gregorysaml closed 4 months ago

gregorysaml commented 4 months ago

Hello what i am doing wrong here? What am i missing ? I am using voip apns. From the android side is working (firebase). Where do i retrieve the push ?

    "aps": {
        "alert": "VoIP"
    "message": "voiptest",
    "uuid": "0abde38d-2132-4edb-a714-a7600301cb7d",
    "call_type": "audio",
    "caller_id": "12312341",
    "caller_name": "greg",
    "caller_id_type": "number",
    "has_video": 0,
    "signal_type": "startCall",
    "ios_voip": 1

[VoIPController][pushRegistry][didReceiveIncomingPushWith] payload: [AnyHashable("caller_name"): Subhani, AnyHashable("caller_id_type"): number, AnyHashable("caller_id"): 12312341, AnyHashable("message"): greg, AnyHashable("call_type"): audio, AnyHashable("signal_type"): startCall, AnyHashable("has_video"): 0, AnyHashable("aps"): {
    alert = "VoIP";
}, AnyHashable("uuid"): 0abde38d-2132-4edb-a714-a7600301cb7d, AnyHashable("ios_voip"): 1]
connectycube_flutter_call_kit/VoIPController.swift:58: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
    frame #0: 0x00000001861b5ebc libswiftCore.dylib`_swift_runtime_on_report
->  0x1861b5ebc <+0>: ret    
    0x1861b5ec0 <+0>: b      0x1861b5ebc               ; _swift_runtime_on_report
    0x1861b5ec4 <+0>: adrp   x8, 461988
    0x1861b5ec8 <+4>: ldrb   w0, [x8, #0x2dc]```
gregorysaml commented 4 months ago

[VoIPController][pushRegistry][didReceiveIncomingPushWith] payload: [AnyHashable("caller_id"): 12312341, AnyHashable("call_opponents"): test, AnyHashable("session_id"): d1720b27-3a85-4f15-954f-a052c947d13f, AnyHashable("caller_id_type"): number, AnyHashable("ios_voip"): 1, AnyHashable("aps"): { alert = VoIP; }, AnyHashable("caller_name"): greg, AnyHashable("has_video"): false, AnyHashable("message"): voiptest, AnyHashable("call_type"): 0] [VoIPController][didReceiveIncomingPushWith] unknown 'signal_type' was received

gregorysaml commented 4 months ago

{ "aps": { "alert": "VoIP" }, "message": "voiptest", "session_id": "c1e604de-65d5-4a5f-ab95-73ed562cf951", "call_type": 0, "caller_id": "12312341", "caller_name": "greg", "caller_id_type": "number", "call_opponents": "test", "has_video": "false", "ios_voip": 1 }

gregorysaml commented 4 months ago

When i add signal_type it Crashes
