ConnectyCube / connectycube-flutter-samples

Code samples for Flutter, based on ConnectyCube platform
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Multiple Device login in web for p2p calls #317

Closed b2bPrasad closed 6 months ago

b2bPrasad commented 7 months ago

Specify the sample to which the issue belongs (use [x]): [] Chat sample [x] P2P Calls sample [] Conference Calls sample

Platform (use [x]) [] Android [] iOS [] macOS [] Windows [x] Web [] Linux

Device info Manufacture: Model: OS version:

Describe the bug: So I am trying to integrate for web without push notification right now. I have a scenario as stated below:

  1. User A logs in.
  2. Calls B is logged in from multiple browsers - B1 and B2
  3. A calls B
  4. The incoming call screen is displayed on both the devices, which is correct.
  5. When B receives the call from one of the browsers, B1, the incoming call screen should be closed on B2.
  6. This is not happening right now.
  7. Is there a way to achieve this on the web and on devices?

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Use the p2p call sample and replicate the above scenario.

I found this issue which talks about it.

@tatanka987 can you help me point to the documentation or explain how to achieve this?

TatankaConCube commented 7 months ago

@b2bPrasad it is an expected case because we don't manage this case in our sample. for closing the call on the B2 device, device B1 can send the signaling to device B2 immediately after accepting the call. you can use the System message feature for it

b2bPrasad commented 6 months ago

@TatankaConCube this worked. Thank you.

The only issue we are facing right now is iOS to iOS the audio volume is very low and it is happening consistently. Do you have any insights on this?

TatankaConCube commented 6 months ago

please, create a new issue with this topic, I will describe possible reasons and the possible solutions for them

b2bPrasad commented 6 months ago


@TatankaConCube closing this issue. New issue listed