ConnectyCube / connectycube-reactnative-samples

Chat and Video Chat code samples for React Native, ConnectyCube
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Video call Notification and callkeep not working when app is in foreground and background (Killed). #305

Open osamajamal29 opened 1 year ago

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

In debug and release build i run the video call sample project but unfortunately when app is in foreground and in killed state notifications and callkeep call option are not coming .Please help

DaveLomber commented 1 year ago

@osamajamal29 2 questions:

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

Thank so much for the response. On both platforms (Android and IOS). Yes i setup Push Notifications properly . It is quite strange when i run video call sample project through cable in my phone in foreground and in killed state callkeep (call option are coming).. But when i generate debug build and then try to test it is not working.

DaveLomber commented 1 year ago

@osamajamal29 "generate debug build" you mean TestFlight build ?

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

No i am talking about android debug build .This is how i generate android debug build... cd android. /gradlew assembleDebug .. Notification is not coming .

DaveLomber commented 1 year ago

@osamajamal29 got it this is strange cause both debug build and install through cable is basically the same debug build. Is there any errors/warnign when you do /gradlew assembleDebug ?

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

I run cd android and then run ./gradlew assembleDebug in project root terminal. It successfully generate debug build . Build is also working fine. Video/Audio call functionality also working perfectly when i test app on 2 different devices . But when i close (Killed) app on any one device i assume i receive notification when i try to call the same person in the app but unfortunately i did-not receive any notification from connectycube . The problem is i am unable to receive notification .Thank you

DaveLomber commented 1 year ago

This is can be on of the 2 possible issues:

1) push notifications are not configured properly. To check it, can you just check the Android app logs via Android Studio and see of there is a log about received push notification payload.

Also, additional, go to ConnectyCUbe Admin panel, Push Notifications and check Queue section. There should be a list of all pushes sent and their status (delivered vs failed)

2) IF the above ^^^ is working well (means the status in Admin panel is 'delivered' and in Android Studio logs you can see the received push payload), but still nothing is in app UI, then I suggest to double check this code is configured properly

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

Ok sure i will let you know. Thank you so much .

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

In ConnectyCube Push Notifications Queue i see status as a 'Sent' not 'Delivered'.Is this the issue?

osamajamal29 commented 1 year ago

I identified the problem React native Wix notification right now doesn't support local notification ..

DaveLomber commented 1 year ago

re status 'Sent' In ConnectyCube Push Notifications Queue

You can click on it and see the details

DaveLomber commented 1 year ago

re WIX - actually it does support local notification