ConnorDonegan / geostan

Bayesian spatial analysis
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fix sampling statement for icar_normal #1

Closed mitzimorris closed 3 years ago

mitzimorris commented 3 years ago

the call to the icar_normal distribution should be: phi ~ icar_normal(N, node1, node2), not icar_normal_lpdf(....

back when this model was developed, the Stan compiler allowed this. for later versions of Stan, this might result in a warning - I think we're still allowing this as many people made the same mistake - I naively thought that if you define a function, then you call it by its name. but a sampling statement is not quite the same thing as a function call - the Stan compiler maps the distribution name to a corresponding distribution function, e.g., the sampling statement y ~ normal(mu, sigma) is compiled to a call to the function normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma).

ConnorDonegan commented 3 years ago

Thank you Mitzi!