line 30 > there is no semicolon at the end
line 22 > //E220 radioModule(receiver, m0, m1, aux);
needs to be understood
Stream &mySerial3 = (Stream &)receiver;
E220 radioModule(&mySerial3, m0, m1, aux);
Thanks for the comments, it should all be fixed now.
Many thanks for using the lib and I hope it makes your life easier!
If you need any further help with the code please let me know
line 30 > there is no semicolon at the end line 22 > //E220 radioModule(receiver, m0, m1, aux);
needs to be understood Stream &mySerial3 = (Stream &)receiver; E220 radioModule(&mySerial3, m0, m1, aux);
ConnorKirkpatrick a big thank you for your work