ConsenSysMesh / Stow-Smart-Contracts

Formerly Linnia-Smart-Contracts
MIT License
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Fixing event-related warnings from latest truffle #19

Closed lookfwd closed 6 years ago

lookfwd commented 6 years ago

Fixes warning: Invoking events without "emit" prefix is deprecated

libertylocked commented 6 years ago

For now i think its best if we don't upgrade solidity compiler version. The installed truffle uses 0.4.19.

you can run npx truffle test to run tests

godfreyhobbs commented 6 years ago

@lookfwd Can you create an issue regarding the compiler warnings? Please include the version of truffle and OS you are using.

lookfwd commented 6 years ago

ok. P.S. it's not a big one, even zeppelin-solidity has one (referenced by this codebase)

libertylocked commented 6 years ago

Truffle version is pinned in package.json and contracts are updated to 0.4.24.

godfreyhobbs commented 6 years ago

@lookfwd sorry about closing your pull request. It was a very good pull request but came at a time when we were focused on other changes.

Thank you so much for your contribution! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there are any areas of the codebase you are particularly interested in. We're still trying to bootstrap our dev community so keep an eye on this space.

lookfwd commented 6 years ago

Was fun, thanks a lot and see you around!