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New Bounties.Network Website #7

Open mbeylin opened 5 years ago

mbeylin commented 5 years ago


We need to build a new version of the Bounties Network landing page!

Here is a picture of the design itself: Desktop: desktop

Mobile: mobile

Here is a zip folder of the various SVG files found in the design:


This new site should follow the attached design as closely as possible, and should include a number of unique elements:


A correct submission for this bounty will:


We will require at most 4 revisions for submitted work, and expect whoever completes this bounty to come to us with intermediate questions (especially regarding mobile responsiveness) rather than making assumptions on one's own.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 0.82 ETH (299.8 USD @ $365.62/ETH) attached to it.

tosho commented 5 years ago

Is mandatory? Can we use another CSS framework (like Bulma) or plain CSS Grid?

octavioamu commented 5 years ago

Hi! I have some questions

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Hey guys good luck to whoever is awarded the bounty. You can use this to get started fast using gulp, flexboxgrid, and a test server. It works!

screen shot 2018-08-09 at 4 07 49 pm
iamonuwa commented 5 years ago

@mbeylin please what's the criteria for rejecting hunters? Or is this task not ready to be worked on?

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

Apologies to those who were applying to do this: my intention was to accept @tcrowe for this bounty, but some issues on Gitcoin were prohibiting me from doing that. When the site is working I will accept Tony but in the meantime, @tcrowe please feel free to begin working on this.

Regarding the questions:

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe the file was made on Figma, so we can share the design with you on that site if you're interested in seeing any of the details of its implementation.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Np @mbeylin

Static sites are the most fun! I'm a contributor on static site generator but as this was only one page I used a simpler tool set.

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

Here's a link to see the design:

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

@corwinharrell Hey that was me checking out the design :wave: 😆

heycorwin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe haha oh I thought it was Mark! Let me know if you have any questions about Figma. You should be able to inspect element properties to some degree (It's been a while since I've been inside a Figma file as a viewer and not the owner.)

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

I thought what you guys provided in the initial write-up was great but the Figma project is icing on the cake. Thanks @mbeylin @corwinharrell 👍🏼

unherd-uf commented 5 years ago

Is still open.?

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Preview site here:

@mbeylin @corwinharrell Can you scrunch it down to mobile size and try that hamburger menu? You may want a different behavior.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

I'm making good progress here. I am hoping to be mostly finished up today then we can do some tweaks for you guys until it's to your satisfaction.

A question I have is about SVG format. In each SVG is a copy of the watercolor jpg base64-encoded. As you might imagine that will duplicate the JPG many times through the page. I tried looking through the SVG specification to see if I can do something like /img/watercolor.jpg but I was not able to get it to show up in the SVG background.

Do you have any ideas?

The only one I can think of was to compress down watercolor.jpg then base64 encode and put it back in.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Here's an example

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Please provide:

Alternatively I will write a script to import medium articles from the API:

In that case to update you will trigger a website deploy when a new article is written.

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe I'll reply all at once:

Overall, this is fantastic work (especially the mobile compatibility) and I can't wait to see the finished product.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago


New demo deployed here:


Left to do:

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

I'm testing on some devices and it still needs some work on the lower resolutions

heycorwin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe I see you've already gone this route but yeah I was going to say it might just be worth using a .png for at least the top header image. I don't have any issue with that, although we'll need to make sure the asset is the correct size and appears sharp on retina devices 👍 For now, we're not really going to be leveraging svg-specific properties to modify the more illustrative elements (changing scale, color, animating, etc...) so if the file size is an issue then it probably makes more sense just to use images for elements that include that heavy texturing.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 5 months from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) tcrowe has been approved to start work.

I am starting work on this issue right now. Thank you for having me to work on this bounty with you

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe a couple of notes on the most recent update:

Otherwise this is coming together quite nicely and I can't wait to see it finished.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Getting closer

The carousels are not animating but they can be scrolled horizontally manually.

There is a nagging horizontal scroll I'm trying to track down in small res.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

The video toward the bottom is an iframe and needed to be adjusted via the script during resize to maintain aspect ratio.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

In production the HTML, CSS, and JS are all compressed minified. 😉

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe this is amazing. I love what you did with the carousels. The final outstanding issue is a small one I noticed with the media cards, there's some strange vertical scrolling that's going on. If you could fix that and open a PR to merge into, I'd be happy to finalize this and accept the submission.

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Thank you @mbeylin

Can you also tell me how you want to deploy the site? To GitHub, Netlify, other? Depending on that I will need to change a few things.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 0.82 ETH (229.08 USD @ $279.36/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @tcrowe

@mbeylin please take a look at the submitted work:

mbeylin commented 5 years ago

@tcrowe we'll likely be deploying using an S3 bucket so no need to make any substantial changes.

I accidentally accepted your original PR (and then reverted) after realizing it was merging into master instead of the branch new-design. Could you re-PR to merge into that branch?

tcrowe commented 5 years ago

Yes @mbeylin.

If you run npm run prd it will create ./dist. The s3 command should be able to sync that dir.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 0.82 ETH (234.98 USD @ $286.56/ETH) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @tcrowe.