ConsenSysMesh / web3studio-bootleg

The Shared Royalty Non-Fungible Token (a.k.a Bootleg) is an open source project started by the ConsenSys Web3Studio team. The purpose of the Shared Royalty Non-Fungible Token (SRNFT) is to make any royalty business model, from the oil and gas industry to entertainment, easy to manage with the Ethereum blockchain .
Apache License 2.0
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Devkit Outline Strawman #52

Closed humbitious closed 5 years ago

humbitious commented 5 years ago


As TJ, I need JW to build a strawman outline to prime the pump for full devkit.




humbitious commented 5 years ago

Here is the deliverable for this story: A brief "strawman" outline of the Bootleg devKit content, plus notes, so that we can discuss, add/modify/delete, and start to parse out the effort for delivering the kit by project end.

Bootleg DevKit

[Do we want to change the name of these things now? After Bootleg, it will be hard to do so.] Overview mainly similar to the Sojourn devKit: [Maybe a bigger call to action, earlier call for getting involved in the repo, possibly one incentive scheme to get people involved ("do a pull request and get x...maybe we bounty?", or "start building a business on this idea, tell us about it, and we can help you make it real...maybe get it funded).]

The Patterns

Focus on the key patterns...this is obviously pay-it-backward (backward-propagating-royalty-payment, or if we go another way with structure... inclusive-propagating-fractional-ownership-of-future-cashflows-based-on-predetermined-algorithm), but it is also likely to be the very tightly coupled but modularly distinct pattern for doing off-chain-asset-copy-prevention. There may also be some important patterns in how we do the embodiment...or possibly proto-patterns where we can put up a repo, show the designs, and encourage the community to flesh out the actual system. Possible example for this might be the way a Bootleg application handles progressive identity and wallets to show how to do Universal Logins?

The Embodiment

The link to the original story, the "comic book", etc that show visually and with words what's up with the actual bootleg story. This is something that deserves a good think-through to see if we are missing any clever ways of increasing the probability of this thing getting built by someone. (e.g., Does it need a fake business case deck like the kind you might see a venture pitching? Does it just need the enticement of saying that ConsenSys would be gosh-darn interested in backing/spoking/funding this thing)?

Code Cues

This will be woven into the Embodiment and other sections, but worth considering where we want to tee up developers with "go into the code here (link) to see how we do this" or "go into the code here for a good spot to modify things for your own project."

Left For Yous

While this might be woven into the kit in various places, it deserves its own think-time to make sure we are being deliberate in a) what we leave for others; b) how we give the builder context about why us leaving that for them is a good thing; c) encouraging them to contribute stuff in these gaps to the repo (this might be where we do some bounty staking...could probably get one of our whale friends to give a little here).


We should add a section that features the tools, assets and services of stuff we use in this project: Truffle, OpenLaw, etc....possibly even in cases where we don't use something but where someone building the actual thing may want to. Great opportunity to do good things for mesh, but can also feature non-mesh companies/products/services.

More 'Cat'fishing(?)

The medium article has the Patreon "cameo" but maybe we can double down here and at the very least increase the SEO of the devkit by adding some brief content here about companies that could use this to transform their business: SCSAC, TalentHouse, BBTV, LiveNation, Sports networks, Cryptoassets, Movies, etc.

Making-of Videos and other "iTunes Extras" bits.

We only wound up with one usable video for our last full devKit. Do we want to drop this sort of thing? Better format? Just do them better?