ConsenSysMesh / web3studio-projects

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StockStack #4

Open humbitious opened 5 years ago

humbitious commented 5 years ago

The Story

As an adobe stock user, today I can buy a license to a piece of art, an animation, any number of things. This is asking me, the poor artist, to pony up money I don't have on a project that, who knows, might go nowhere. But what if there were a way for all (or many) of these assets to come with a tracker (instead of a watermark) that has a library of easy-to-plug and change smart contract agreements. Each asset is a chainlink oracle object(?) [would need gas to not be a problem where it got spent every time an event occurred on this object.] The base agreement [openlaw] lets me plug the asset into anything I make. If it just sits on my computer or private cloud environment, that's the end of it. But if, say, it is inside an animation that I publish, then (like an ad-tracker...probably use the same tech) every time it is viewed or interacted with, the object token is scored. In a mature world, there is a generalized framework for all online experiences/browsers/etc where the tracker object can interrogate any commercial events coming off the environment in which the object I "rented" exists. And here's where a variety of things can occur. I'm reminded of how Google called me at Flywheel when our use of google maps went to a certain level. They negotiated with me a deal. Took time, but the fact that there were options and it was proactive (not retroactive...they weren't asking for money for the previous use) was attractive. So what if this were a future where I get an email or something that gives me options on how to keep using the item in my animation? Perhaps a bit of machine intelligence is able to pick the likely best options. (This is a form of monopolistic pricing...the use that doen't have a lot of $$ dealflow can pay (or agree to something) x, whereas the multimillion dollar game (Fortnight) can pay y.

brian-lc commented 5 years ago

Interesting. Would you mind applying the issue template headings to this so it's easier to understand?