ConsenSysMesh / web3studio-projects

Discussion board for web3studio projects
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Kaliope #44

Open humbitious opened 5 years ago

humbitious commented 5 years ago

Tiny on-demand sidechains that use a pinning contract to the mainnet (or another set of sidechains which are in turn pinned up to the mainnet) and trusted compute modules such that an application can look-up two or more Identities on an Ethereum-based registrar, then spin up a bi-lateral or multi-lateral sidechain that segregates data and compute into that sidechain in under a minute -- but still allow parameter passing between functions on different sidechains and the mainnet with tools/timing/protocols that help ensure low/no risk of issues such as deadlocks, non-determinism, race conditions and double-spend.

two words: baby kaleido instant, tiny, multicloud (ultimately edge 5g) virtual sidechain pinned to the mainnet for fifty cents, keyed to my ENS x cents per additional party in the sidechain. Requirement: ability to pass parameters out of and into the sidechain via the pinning contract so that timing (before/after) of distributed functions is preserved and non-determinism and other distributed system hazards are avoided.

brian-lc commented 5 years ago

"extension of gumball into the mobile environment" -JW