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FanClub #46

Open humbitious opened 5 years ago

humbitious commented 5 years ago

Take a sports celebrity. They create a number of places in their "team", and that is the total supply. Teams can be reduced in size by the celeb paying to reduce the number, which pays out the market value of the number of spaces left, and the members can bid to stay musical chairs.

To keep your seat in the team, you have to pay each month at the market rate above what others are bidding to get in. The celeb can grant immunity also. And the celeb is incented to keep the value high or the price existing or new members are willing to pay to stay in the team will go down.

brian-lc commented 5 years ago

Not sure I get this. What do I get for paying in each month to the celeb? I'm assuming they are making way more money than me given they are already a celebrity (though I'd imagine given how they are famous, that might not always be the case).

humbitious commented 5 years ago

I'm writing the FanClub story, and a data model thought is hitting me. The position in the list of fanchisors is important. And identity is likely something people want to have public, though it is possible that there are cases where someone might want to be unidentified publicly. (Probably the right call is to make members be openly public and not add a lot of complexity to allow for the option.)

But someone can/must sometimes sell their position in the list, and position in this scheme makes a big difference in terms of what you get from cashflows coming into the fanchise.

So there needs to be a mechanism for updating (not just appending) the fanchisor array. In the SRNFT, I don't think we have a way of doing this(?) If, for example, I hold position #1 in the array, and then I sell it to you, position #1 needs to change from me to you. And this has implications for how cashflows are calculated. In bootleg, the idea is that we iterate in a linear fashion along the franchisor array and the payments array, calculating the amount of each payment a particular franchisor position should receive from each new payment...and then updating so that they can't double-spend it. In this case, if I buy your fanchise seat, do only the seats above you get paid? Does it go into a pot of value in the fanchise from which position x always gets y percentage? And if we have a pyramid structure, where each position gets the cashflows generated from positions underneath them, what happens there? That suggests a very different structure. And what if there is both? What if you get the membership fees from the people below you, but you also get a percentage of revenue coming into the fanchise from external sources, like if the celeb agrees to let the fanchise collect and distribute ad revenue from youtube videos? What would that look like in the token? What's the most elegant way to make that work? What must be on chain and what can be off chain?