ConsenSysMesh / web3studio-sojourn

A React Native DevKit with code for a Web3 Decentralized Data Storage Pattern.
Apache License 2.0
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Refactor names #43

Closed barlock closed 5 years ago

barlock commented 5 years ago

Related Issue
Supports #5

Related PRs


What does this PR do?
Refactoring! meatGrinder => notes

All of these things are more note specific and the name was distracting. There should be a single file (or group) responsible for the grinder and the different parts of it that the notes module uses. Done to simplify that and be a little bit more clear about intent

HashPersistor => HashNotary

John stepped in and made that one better

Description of Changes
No functionality changed, just names.

What gif most accurately describes how I feel towards this PR?