Consensys / Mahuta

IPFS Storage service with search capability
Apache License 2.0
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Couple of bugs #33

Closed gjeanmart closed 6 years ago

gjeanmart commented 6 years ago

Email received

Hello Greg, Thanks for your response.

I am able to sort records having numerical values. I have observed the following things while playing with IPFS-Store -

1) IPFS-Store does not allow index containing capital letters. For example, Employee is not a valid index. However, employee is a valid index.

2) IPFS-Store allows index-fields containing capital letters. For example, employeeNumber is a valid index field.

3) IPFS-Store cannot sort by index fields containing capital letters. For example, if index field is employeeNumber then I am not getting the desired result. However, I am getting the desired result if index field is employee_number.

4) IPFS-Store can sort numerical values but can not sort strings.

For example, if index field is employee_number then I am getting the desired result. However, I am not getting the desired result if index field is employee_first_name.

Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks again for your cooperation and valuable time.


gjeanmart commented 6 years ago
  1. ElasticSearch doesn't accept capital letter in the index name. So I forced at the API level to lowercase the index name. You can now pass EMPloYEE for any operation, it will result create and use the index employee
  2. You can use a field name with capital letter.
  3. and 4. ElasticSearch disables text fielddata by default. Now it's enables so search and sort should work on any kind of field.

PR #34