Consensys / Token-Factory

Basic Token Factory dapp.
478 stars 308 forks source link

UnCaught Reference Error : HumanStandardToken is not defined app.js : 50152 #49

Open tomzed opened 7 years ago

tomzed commented 7 years ago

Hello everybody,

I am a newbie in Ethereum development. I try to deploy a smart contract via Token Factory but when I click on "Create Token" it gives me this error. Metamask is injected in the browser. I use truffle to build the project.

Problem is at the line 50152 of the file app.js : var ST = web3.eth.contract(HumanStandardToken.abi);

Thank you very much and nice to meet you !

paritygeeker commented 7 years ago

I meet the same problem,But the author write in the readme:"It's not the neatest code, so keep that in mind.", so the code maybe not the newest, you must see the website: and you can just download the app.js from chrome inspect page and replace the same file in the webpacked same file, and it will work. The author maybe not work on this project, you can realize one by your self.