Bumping Truffle to version 4.1.5. This is primarily to get access to "emit" in Solidity 0.4.21. This is in prep for the ERC721 implementation that's coming.
Bumped the pragmas & added the emit keywords. I added solhint ignores until solhint is updated. Solhint still complains about other issues, but it doesn't break the build at least. @maurelian
Bumping Truffle to version 4.1.5. This is primarily to get access to "emit" in Solidity 0.4.21. This is in prep for the ERC721 implementation that's coming.
This will fire warnings now about the the deprecation in EIP20 about 'emit', but Solhint hasn't updated yet to include this. https://github.com/protofire/solhint/issues/33
I bumped solhint & solidity coverage as well.