Consensys / anonymous-zether

A private payment system for Ethereum-based blockchains, with no trusted setup.
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update dependency versions and verifier fix #61

Closed nicolae-leonte-go closed 1 year ago

nicolae-leonte-go commented 1 year ago

Update dependencies and readme.

The London ethereum fork introduces a minimum gas price so ganache needs to be started with the Berlin fork. This will probably need to be revisited once the latest upstream changes are merged in quorum.

The updated truffle library has a more up to date web3 client which uses the correct chain_id instead of network_id when externally signing transactions (used in the transfer functionality). With the previous version I was getting Invalid signature v value errors when ganache was started with differing chain/network IDs.

nicolae-leonte-go commented 1 year ago

Can someone else try the detailed usage instructions and let me know if you succeed to perform a transfer? I only managed to succeed when using 2 decoys. I also don't get an explicit error - just that the transaction was reverted...

nicolae-leonte-go commented 1 year ago

With the verifier fix above I was able to perform the instructions described in the Detailed Usage section in the readme (including performing a transfer without decoys).