Consensys / corset

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Opportunistic `NonZeronessWitness` columns #45

Open OlivierBBB opened 7 months ago

OlivierBBB commented 7 months ago

Main issue

There are several points (especially in hub scenarii) where one would like to impose nonzeroness of certain columns through a constraint à la

(is-nonzero COL)

where all we want is some dedicated NZW column such taht corset should compile the above down to

(=! (* COL NZW) 1)

There will be times where for other reasons COL already has an inverse column. But at other times it won't. And it's kind of wastefull to introduce the associated inverse column COL_inv $\iff$ (inv COL) which must satisfy 2 degree 3 constraints

( COL_inv * COL - 1) * COL_inv = 0
( COL_inv * COL - 1) * COL     = 0

if we can just opportunistically use one of a fixed number of NZW columns and verify 1 degree 2 constraint

NZW_k * COL = 1

as above.


The idea would be to have a reservoir NZW_1, ..., NZW_r of such columns. The number r would be obtained through Corset's analysis of the constraints. The basic idea being: go through the constraints and determine

The next step would then be to opportunistically use these NZW columns to replace the constraints (is-nonzero COL) as indicated above by using k, the index of the "first available NZW column", and replacing it with (=! (* COL NZW_k) 1)

letypequividelespoubelles commented 6 months ago

What would be the difference with (eq! (~ COL) 1) ?