Consensys / defi-score

DeFi Score: An open framework for evaluating DeFi protocols
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Random unedited thoughts on risk #34

Open tayvano opened 4 years ago

tayvano commented 4 years ago

Preface: I love what you guys are working on. Def much needed. But, realistically, if this very necessary thing is going to keep a diverse range of user types informed of the risks (or even just maybe prevent a few people from throwing fat piles of crypto at random defi platforms that have been overhyped on twitter and underaudited in reality), I think we are going to need more. I'm going to dump it on you. Please don't take it personal. This says more about the space and I am all too pleased to see you take this hard issue head on and move so fast. Your product is needed. Also, please forgive how hot-messy this is. 🚒

What is the goal? Who is the target audience?

Right now DeFi is a fucking dumpster fire 🔥 and any market movement will be like throwing gasoline, old christmas trees, and a pile of overly-hairsprayed hair on top of it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Also, it's hard to build a product for everyone. Yay!

Questions: What's the end goal or use-case that DeFi Score imagines having the greatest impact? Is a one-size-fits-all number really giving the user what they need to make a somewhat—anywhat—informed decision? Can you use same input for a tailored output for different user-types?

  1. If your goal is to keep idiots from investing in DeFi then you may just want to perfect a very beautiful icon that is universally recognized. Like the poison icon. The radioactive icon. Or the Beware of falling rocks! road sign. Or all of the above. 😅

  2. If the goal is to make users relatively aware that investments into DeFi platforms may... carry risk + carry more risk than just holding crypto + carry more risk than the same action/position in the traditional world (lending, leveraging, shorting) + inform them that not all defi products are created may be worth considering how you capture not just the risk, but the relativity of said risk to things a user may be more familiar with.

  3. If the goal is to give product creators access to a score that they can display in end-products then you can de-prioritize a beautiful site for end-users with the scores, dashboard, etc. and instead focus on selling to products who touch these end users. Expend more energy on giving these products access to a diverse range of information + good documentation + good examples + good case studies + empower these products to make their own specific choices as it relates to their product and their user demographics. For example, a mobile wallet targeting noobs may display a simple red-orange-green color system. Multis (a multisig interface for treasury management) may show as much information as possible The advantage of taking this route is that the end-product should (hopefully) know their users best. This then frees you up to create a product that serves a very wide range of user types without actually having to literally serve all those users directly. (Because, take it from me, it is NOT fun to build a product for all the user types!)

Smart Contract Risk

Misc notes that I couldn't fit elsewhere:

Smart contract risk decreases as AMOUNT OF TIME AND MONEY increases

I think this is really, really a huge hole in your current analysis. As someone pointed out, since most contracts can be updatable in a myriad of ways, time does NOT specifically reduce that risk. However, it does reduce the risk of attacking the contract directly, economic stuff going haywire in the contract, etc. You already separate security of smart contracts from admin/updatability of contracts so I'll just be explicit that I'm focused on the contract attack vectors themselves, not the admin ones.


The absence of security audits and formal verification increase our certainty about the risk of a product far more than the presence of them. For clarity: If flipping a coin is 0 and not having an audit is -100, then having an audit would be a 10. 10 is way better than -100, but not much better than 0.

Therefore, any smart contract without a security audit is far more likely to be a scam or have creators who have such low appreciation for security that it is almost certainly insecure. Regardless of all else, this should be weighed very heavily.

A smart contract that has an audit...could totally still be hacked / broken / manipulated. Therefore, this should be weighed less heavily.

(Grain of salt disclosure: I'm obviously still suffering PTSDAO and PTSParity#1 and PTSParity#2.)

Things that do increase certainty around / decrease probability of Bad Things™ happening

How battle-tested and hacker-tested is a contract or system? This is the reason we trust the Gnosis Multisig more than the Gnosis Safe even though they were both created by one of the most diligent teams in the space. In the same vein, if you deployed a multisig and put $1m in it on 1/1/2017 and it wasn't hacked by 1/1/2018, I would be more confident in that contract than the same one being deployed on 1/1/2019 and surviving until 1/1/2020. This is because the amount of hacker eyes and the sophistication of said hackers was greater in 2017 than in 2019.

I am more certain that a contract won't be hacked/broken when...

Somehow, these must be captured. I believe this is the #1 factor that will move smart contract security risk around. I would even say that an unaudited, unverified contract by a non-name team that has held billions for a long period of time is more secure than an audited, formally verified, blah blah blah contract by a known team that's held $500k for all of 2019. (Assuming both are non-upgradable, of the same nature, etc.)

PS: I am not alone. Ameen phrases is thusly regarding compound:

The contracts have also held $20M+ for over 6 months, $50M+ for over 2 months, and currently hold $100M+. For me personally, the most important metric of contract security is total funds held in contract * time held in contract, and Compound has been secure with quite a large public bounty thus far.

Everything is relative!!

Do I know what it means if UnknownDeFi#1 has a higher number than UnknownDeFi#2? Probably not, because I don't know what either really are or what the numbers really mean. However, I probably have some sense of the risk of holding crypto vs risk of holding USD vs investing in stocks vs investing in gov't bonds.

If you label a gov't bond as a 1, stocks as a 2, UnknownDeFi#2 as a 90, and UnknownDeFi#1 as 95, and GivingAStrangerAllMyCashToHold as a 100, that's far different than just UnknownDeFi#2 as a 90, and UnknownDeFi#1 as 95.

Consider using or providing icons, pictographs or words

Numbers are meaningless without a lot of context. However, things like these capture relativity and and digestible at a glance:

1200px-Hsas-chart_with_header svg



"Centralization Risk" is so crypto nerdy it hurts

Yes, how contracts are controlled, managed, updated, fed data is potentially highly risky. These are necessary categories!! BUT! Don't classify them as "centralization."

When a crypto-native looks at this type of risk and assigns a category of "centralization," it makes sense. But, when you start with "centralization risk," this is NOT what comes to mind. When I think of centralization I think of The DAO vs Compound vs Blockfi. I think about whether I trust smart contracts more than a custodian. Etc.

May be worth renaming protocol administration and oracles to something else. 🤷

And, since we are on the subject...

Admin/access/upgradability risk is very diverse

Compounding Risk

How would one start to be able to calculate the risk of things combined?

People / Team / Culture

I don't know how this fits in exactly, but it does. If you talk to two teams in the space you will see differences in priorities, specifically UX vs security. Good example is Gnosis vs Argent. Gnosis is willing to go to market slower, be more diligent, perfect. They are scared. They have crazy internal processes in place for security things. Argent is...just not that. They prioritize getting users, having best UX possible. Which you prefer is subjective, but as the provider of an objective-ish DeFi Score, the emphasis will have to be put strongly on security over UX.

I have a lot of ideas around this and I'm sure others have more, but I'm not sure there's a way to capture this via an algorithm as there is a lot of subjectivity. Ideas:

Bonus Points: Normal Usage/Market Risk

When I consider my users, one of the biggest risks in integrating defi platforms is whether or not the user actually understands the very-well-studied market risks that occur in any market. In the traditional financial sector, the people investing do know that an asset could go down and could go up. In crypto even this most basic fact isn't necessarily known. More worrisome, some think they know but they really don't.

I categorize these risk separately than the more extreme risks of a contract going to zero or nearly-zero. The events that cause these risks to happen, happen regardless—it's just a matter of luck whether you lose or win on any given day. This includes things like...

Example: compare a normal lottery to Pool Together. Playing the lottery has a very high risk of losing your entire "investment". However, with pool together, that risk is ~0 (assuming everything else works as intended.) If your risk score puts the risk of a traditional lottery (but onchain/with crypto) to a flawless implementation of Pool Together, the scores should be different.

There's like tens of thousands of people who do nothing but research and analyze these types risks in order to make the right calls in the real world so it's unlikely you're going to figure this out on a huge level.

BUT perhaps a score could be given to just show whether there's a strong likelihood of retaining initial investment, gaining, losing, or 'your guess is as good as mine, crypto is volatile, shrug.' This would at least help differentiate between gambling vs pool together vs lending vs 100x longing. Right now, I worry that theoretically, a gambling defi thing could have the same risk score as lending which doesn't feel right.

sneg55 commented 4 years ago

goal is to keep idiots from investing in DeFi

I think idiots have more chances to make a bad investment into "DeFi coins" popping up, eg. rather than chase for 10% APR in DeFi lending.

Smart contract risk goes down when AMOUNT OF T I M E AND M O N E Y goes up

Disagree, with upgradable smart contracts any update may bring critical bug.

"Centralization Risk" is so crypto nerdy it hurts

💯👍 users outside of crypto twitter don't care.

MatthiasEgli commented 4 years ago

This is focused a lot on IT security risk, which for sure is one of the biggest risks still out there today. But especially with DeFi it would be very interesting to learn more about the systemic risk (think Moody/S&P ratings). Why is it "necessary" for the DAI saving rate to go so high? Which risks are you exposed? There is no free lunch, and a "guaranteed 8% interest rate" should ring a lot of alarm bells. I am not saying I know the answers, just that I know the signs and would love to learn the answers!

hughkarp commented 4 years ago

This is such an important topic that I believe users are struggling with. For me, listing risks and disclosures/scores are a great first step but as with all types of risk it's often hard to work out what your response should be as a user. As in, is this risk worth taking for the rewards? The answer will be different for each individual but I find it much easier to split each risk into two factors, likelihood (chance of the risk occuring) and consequence (likely worst case outcome if it does occur).

For high likelihood, high consequence risks you should really just avoid them.

For high likelihood, low consequence items you should work out some way to manage them. eg hedging type strategies.

For low likelihood, high consequence items they are best dealt with via insurance type solutions.

And for low likelihood, low consequence items you can usually just ignore them.

Unfortunately systemic type risks tend to fall into low likelihood and high consequence which makes them very hard for end users to take on themselves. So it will nearly always come back to only invest what you're willing to lose or look to get some insurance/financial hedge.

marsrobertson commented 4 years ago

Very timely


I genuinely thought I'm using a trustless DeFi protocol.

I was not aware that there is some browser authentication process.

At some point became locked out.

I feel betrayed.

Trustless means trustless, it's genuinely uncool that I need to reach out to the support.



Screenshot 2020-02-02 at 06 59 08

"only browser you control" is obvious, I treated it just like any other cookie notice. Obviously the browser you control... What I did not realise, the authentication is not via Metamask, any stranger can send you coins, you can withdraw to any account, and even thought it is centralized they do not bother to send a confirmation email.

You get an email only after it is too late: image

Dharma - do not touch with 10 feel barge pole 🤷‍♀️

(real genuine user feedback)

Trustpilot: image

tayvano commented 4 years ago

Chris Blec on Admin Keys (aka centralization risk)

Currently, most major DeFi protocols are upgradeable by admin keys that are held by the core teams. The operational security of these private keys is not ascertainable. It is important for users to understand that in today's DeFi, the only way to be assured that your funds are safe is to trust the word of the DeFi product's core team.

The motivation behind this video is to educate users and build resilience in DeFi on Ethereum as we head into an era where more and more users will demand