Consensys / gnark-crypto

gnark-crypto provides elliptic curve and pairing-based cryptography on BN, BLS12, BLS24 and BW6 curves. It also provides various algorithms (algebra, crypto) of particular interest to zero knowledge proof systems.
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EdDSA signature process with MIMC_BN254 results in Error: "invalid fr.Element encoding" #387

Closed drakstik closed 1 year ago

drakstik commented 1 year ago

So I'm trying something that seems like it should be working, but do not know why I get the output I get. Any help would be appreciated.

In my main function I run:

// instantiate hash function
    hFunc := hash.MIMC_BN254.New()

    // create a eddsa key pair
    randBytes := []byte{4}
    _, err := rand.Read(randBytes)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error while creating random bytes:" + err.Error())

    privateKey, err := eddsa.New(twistededwards.BN254, rand.Reader)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error while creating EdDSA private key" + err.Error())
    publicKey := privateKey.Public()

    // note that the message is on 4 bytes
    msg := []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xf0, 0x0d}

    msg = padBytes(msg, 32)

    // sign the message
    signature, err := privateKey.Sign(msg, hFunc)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error while creating signature:" + err.Error())

    // verifies signature
    isValid, err := publicKey.Verify(signature, msg, hFunc)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error while verifying sig, msg:" + err.Error())

    if !isValid {
        fmt.Println("1. invalid signature")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("1. valid signature")

I get this output, which seems to me like it is not working appropriately. Would appreciate any help with understanding why the signature is invalid and why I get those two errors.

Error while creating signature: invalid fr.Element encoding
Error while verifying sig, msg: short buffer
1. invalid signature
drakstik commented 1 year ago

Changed my code to this instead:

// instantiate hash function
hFunc := hash.MIMC_BN254.New()

// create a eddsa key pair
privateKey, _ := eddsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
publicKey := privateKey.PublicKey

// // generate a message (the size must be a multiple of the size of Fr)
// var _msg fr.Element
// _msg.SetRandom()
// msg := _msg.Marshal()
msg := []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xf0, 0x0d}
var msgFr fr.Element
msg = msgFr.Marshal()

// sign the message
signature, _ := privateKey.Sign(msg, hFunc)

// verifies signature
isValid, _ := publicKey.Verify(signature, msg, hFunc)
if !isValid {
fmt.Println("1. invalid signature")
} else {
fmt.Println("1. valid signature")

And that did the trick. Sorry for the silly question :)
drakstik commented 1 year ago

I had issues with eddsa.GenerateKey(), changed it to gnark-crypto's eddsa.New(). Have to import ""

import ceddsa ""

// instantiate hash function
    hFunc := hash.MIMC_BN254.New()

    // create a eddsa key pair
    privateKey, _ := ceddsa.New(1, rand.Reader) // secret
    publicKey := privateKey.Public()

    // generate a message (the size must be a multiple of the size of Fr)
    msg := []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xf0, 0x0d}
    var msgFr fr.Element
    msg = msgFr.Marshal()

    // sign the message
    signature, _ := privateKey.Sign(msg, hFunc)

    // verifies signature
    isValid, _ := publicKey.Verify(signature, msg, hFunc)
    if !isValid {
        fmt.Println("1. invalid signature")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("1. valid signature")