Consensys / gnark

gnark is a fast zk-SNARK library that offers a high-level API to design circuits. The library is open source and developed under the Apache 2.0 license
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Generating witness from simple eddsa circuit give error "can't set fr.Element from type expr.LinearExpression". #1084

Closed drakstik closed 6 months ago

drakstik commented 6 months ago

Hi, I wrote a simple eddsa verifying circuit to test with, however, I'm getting the error "can't set fr.Element from type expr.LinearExpression" when running it (Gnark v0.9.1). I suspect it's not a bug and I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot find what for the love of me. Would appreciate a hint!

Here is the code:

package main

import (
    crand "crypto/rand"

    ctwistededwards ""

    ceddsa ""

type Circuit struct {
    PublicKey_out eddsa.PublicKey      `gnark:",public"`
    Signature     eddsa.Signature      `gnark:",secret"`
    Message_out   frontend.Variable    `gnark:",public"`

func (circuit *Circuit) Define(api frontend.API) error {

    // set the twisted ewards curve to use
    curve, err := twistededwards.NewEdCurve(api, ctwistededwards.BN254)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // hash function
    mimc, err := mimc.NewMiMC(api)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // verify the EdDSA signature
    eddsa.Verify(curve, circuit.Signature, circuit.Message_out, circuit.PublicKey_out, &mimc)

    return nil

type Msg struct {
    Matrix   [][]frontend.Variable  `json:"matrix"` // Each group of three
    Metadata map[string]interface{} `json:"metadata"`

func CreateMsg() Msg {
    N := 16

    // create a 2D array of size N*N
    arr2D := make([][]frontend.Variable, N)

    // Set random integers in the 2D array
    for i := range arr2D {
        arr2D[i] = make([]frontend.Variable, N)
        for j := range arr2D[i] {
            // Seed the random number generator

            arr2D[i][j] = rand.Intn(256)

    // Instantiate message
    msg := Msg{Matrix: arr2D, Metadata: make(map[string]interface{})}

    // Adding metadata to the msg
    msg.Metadata["author"] = "Drakstik"
    msg.Metadata["length"] = 5
    msg.Metadata["height"] = 5
    msg.Metadata["permissibleT"] = [2]frontend.Variable{0, 1}

    return msg

func Bytes_to_big_endian(bytes []byte) []byte {
    var msgFr fr.Element // Define a field element

    // (
    msgFr.SetBytes(bytes)               // Set the JSON encoded image as the z value for the fr.Element
    big_endian_bytes := msgFr.Marshal() // Convert z value to a big endian slice

    return big_endian_bytes

func main() {
    msg := CreateMsg() // create the message

    /* Sign message (Done by generator) */

    // JSON encode the message
    JSON_msg := msg.JSON_Encode_Msg()

    msg_big_endian_bytes := Bytes_to_big_endian(JSON_msg)

    // Generate a signing key
    privKey, err := ceddsa.New(1, crand.Reader)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error: " + err.Error())

    // Sign the msg
    signature, err := privKey.Sign(msg_big_endian_bytes, hash.MIMC_BN254.New())
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error: " + err.Error())

    // Generate a public signature verification key
    publicKey := privKey.Public()

    // Check if signature is working as expected
    checkSig, err := publicKey.Verify(signature, msg_big_endian_bytes, hash.MIMC_BN254.New())
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("ERROR: " + err.Error())
    } else if checkSig {
        fmt.Println("SUCCESS: Signature and public key are working as expected")

    // Instantiate a Circuit
    var circuit Circuit

    // assign values to the Circuit's fields
    circuit.Message_out = msg_big_endian_bytes
    circuit.PublicKey_out.Assign(ctwistededwards.ID(ecc.BN254), publicKey.Bytes())
    circuit.Signature.Assign(ctwistededwards.ID(ecc.BN254), signature)

    /* Compiling the constraint system */
    r1cs, err := frontend.Compile(ecc.BN254.ScalarField(), r1cs.NewBuilder, &circuit)
    if err != nil {

    /* Generate the witness */
    witness, err := frontend.NewWitness(&circuit, ecc.BN254.ScalarField())
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("ERROR 1: " + err.Error())

    fmt.Println("Success", r1cs, witness)

This is the output when I run it (I'm catching the error as "ERROR 1", and it's when I'm generating the witness in main function).

15:04:35 INF compiling circuit
15:04:35 INF parsed circuit inputs nbPublic=5 nbSecret=7
15:04:35 INF building constraint builder nbConstraints=7003
ERROR 1: can't set fr.Element from type expr.LinearExpression

Please help. I could not find much help in other discussions and issues.

ivokub commented 6 months ago

See It seems the issues are related, I'm closing to keep the discussion about gnark usage in the referenced issue as we use issues for bug tracking and tracking feature requests.