Consensys / linea-arithmetization

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feat: Update `CorsetValidator` to use `-eeeeN` by Default #730

Open DavePearce opened 1 month ago

DavePearce commented 1 month ago

After investigating #158, I noticed that the CorsetValidator is not using the prime field for validation. Rather, its using big integers instead. I'm happy to be corrected, but that doesn't sound ideal to me. Specifically, you can see here in the file src/main/java/net/consensys/linea/corset/

public Result validate(final Path filename, final String zkEvmBin) throws Ru\
ntimeException {
    final Process corsetValidationProcess;
    try {
      corsetValidationProcess =
          new ProcessBuilder(
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Corset validation has thrown an exception: %s".formatted(\
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

This is missing the switch -N which tells corset to use the prime field.

DavePearce commented 1 month ago

Just to be absolutely clear what this means. Consider this example:

(module test)
(defcolumns X)
(defconstraint notone () (vanishes! (if-eq X 1 1)))

This constraint says that X cannot be 1. Then, consider this test.trace file:

{ "test": {"X": [8444461749428370424248824938781546531375899335154063827935233455917409239042]}}

Here, the value for X should wrap around in the prime field to 1. We can see the difference between running with and without the -N switch here:

$ corset check --trace test.trace test.lisp

This passes, whilst this does not:

$ corset check -N --trace test.trace test.lisp
Error: while checking test.trace

Caused by:
    constraints failed: test.notone

Therefore, to get the most accurate validation corset should always be run with the -N switch.

DavePearce commented 1 month ago

I should warn, however, that we shouldn't enable validation with -N until #158 is resolved. Otherwise, stuff will definitely break!

DavePearce commented 1 month ago

I want to add two specific comments about this:

@powerslider FYI

DavePearce commented 1 month ago

Some data now on test failures. Note, with the default configuration all tests pass (for the commit I was working on) in 4mins 30sec.

powerslider commented 1 month ago

Maybe we could consider adding separate testing phases corresponding to running the tests with the different expansion levels, but we need to probably migrate to bigger CI instances in order to get a reasonably fast feedback loop.