Consensys / linea-arithmetization

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Correct management of the tracing of `acc/DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER` in case of `undoing` operations on account rows #785

Open OlivierBBB opened 2 weeks ago

OlivierBBB commented 2 weeks ago

Main point

There is an issue with our filling of the account/DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER in the case of undoing an account operations. The main issue is that:

account/DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER_NEW[i] = account/DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER[i]        // <- a 'future undoing' row

Concrete issue

The issue is real in particular for operations that

These instructions include (all variants of) CALL / BALANCE / EXTCODEXXX. Here is a concrete scenario where we may go from a deployment number of 0 to (e.g. 1 but the transition could be, with sufficiently nested REVERT's to any positive deployment number)

PUSH20    0xaddr
BALANCE         // will have to be reverted (warmth) when the current context reverts
// various pushes
CREATE(2)       // deployment happens at address 0xaddr
                // a's account/DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER does 0 ↑ 1
                // execution of CREATE(2) init code
                // ...
                // execution halts (successful or not)
                // execution of root context resumes

Note. The same issue does not arise when writing undoing operations for storage. The deployment number can't change in that setting (and if it does the storage undoing was alredy done before the next deployment.

Solution stub

We require a method to make an account fragment at a specific point in time so that we can extract the correct DEPLOYMENT_STATUS and DEPLOYMENT_NUMBER. In other words we need a

makeUndoingAccountRow(originalAccountSnapshot, modifiedAccountSnapshot, undoingSomSubStamps, ??? )

where ??? is a reference to the reverter context or something similar, and maybe a snapshot of the two fields above at that point in time. Concretely to make this smooth we would benefit from being able to have a defer registry like so