Consensys / linea-contracts

Linea smart-contracts
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Feat: Switch to pnpm and implement gas optimizations #14

Closed thedarkjester closed 6 months ago

thedarkjester commented 6 months ago

Change Log

The commit contains the following:

  1. Major gas optimizations for blob submission
  2. Some gas optimizations in finalization
  3. Gas optimizations in the TokenBridge

External Breaking Changes

  1. LineaRollup's DataSubmitted is replaced with DataSubmittedV2 - (using shnarf vs. dataHash)
  2. TokenBridge's BridgingInitiated is replaced with BridgingInitiatedV2 - (indexes recipient vs. amount)
  3. TokenBridge's BridgingFinalized is replaced with BridgingFinalizedV2 - (indexes recipient vs. amount)


Additionally, the code included in the following commit has been audited by OpenZepplin and Cyfrin.