Consensys / mythril

Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Rootstock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
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How to get the selector in a analysis module #1858

Open huzhanchi opened 2 weeks ago

huzhanchi commented 2 weeks ago


In the Defi protocol, it is very common to use "uniswapV3SwapCallback" like interface function to receive the callbak from LP, However some implementation of uniswapV3SwapCallback has no premission controll. Just as the uniswap official give the caution: image You can also check the background in my article here: refer:



Implementation details

I want to implement a module to hook the CALL instruction, and give the constraint like

  1. the selector of message transaction call is "uniswapV3SwapCallback"
  2. ERC20 token could transfer to other address without any premission controlls

Now, my problem is how can I get the selector in the current CALL instruction. I have checked the "state.environment.calldata", and will to extract the selector, but in debug mode it look like this image

Is there any convient way for me to get selector?

norhh commented 2 weeks ago

EVM hashes the function uniswapV3SwapCallback and encodes it in the first 4 bytes of the call data. You can find this hash using solidity by executing solc --hashes <filename> where the filename contains the functionuniswapV3SwapCallback along with its correct arguments. Assume the hash you get from solc is something like fa461e33, the following will be the constraints:

norhh commented 2 weeks ago

You can access the calldata by directly indexing the indices 0, 1, 2, and 3

huzhanchi commented 2 weeks ago

You can access the calldata by directly indexing the indices 0, 1, 2, and 3 Hi norhh,thanks for reply. "state.environment.calldata" is the right way to get calldata in Mythril detect module ? image It is a BitVec


Maybe I got the the reason,in the attack process, "functionuniswapV3SwapCallback " should be callback from another contract. So SymbolicCalldata do not contain concrete data.

norhh commented 2 weeks ago

It is not meant to contain concrete calldata. You have to add it as a constraint and run the solver to check if you are executing the desired function.

huzhanchi commented 2 weeks ago

It is not meant to contain concrete calldata. You have to add it as a constraint and run the solver to check if you are executing the desired function.

I misunderstood the information given in the debug like "If(2_calldatasize <= 0, 0, 2_calldata[0])", and then I directly made an equal operation on the BitVec, it worked! Thanks for your patience.

huzhanchi commented 1 week ago

Hi, another issue. I have write a module.there are two cases, one is detected as expected, another is not. this module has two additional constraints:

  1. constraint the calldata's selector
  2. constraint the msg.sender shoud not be arbitrary

for the second constraint, mainly refer the function "is_unique_jumpdest" of "ArbitraryJump"

module core logic

def is_unique_sender(sender: BitVec, state: GlobalState) -> bool:
        # 0x fa 46 1e 33
        b0 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(250, 256)
        b1 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(70, 256)
        b2 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(30, 256)
        b3 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(51, 256)

        constraints = state.world_state.constraints + [state.environment.calldata[0] == b0,state.environment.calldata[1] == b1,state.environment.calldata[2] == b2,state.environment.calldata[3] == b3]
        model = get_model(constraints)
    except UnsatError:
        return True, constraints
    concrete_jump_dest = model.eval(sender.raw, model_completion=True)
        constraints += [symbol_factory.BitVecVal(concrete_jump_dest.as_long(), 256) != sender]
        model = get_model(constraints)
    except UnsatError:
        return True, constraints
    return False, constraints
def _analyze_state(self, state):
        state = copy(state)
        instruction = state.get_current_instruction()
        # 0x fa 46 1e 33
        b0 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(250, 256)
        b1 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(70, 256)
        b2 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(30, 256)
        b3 = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(51, 256)
        sender = state.environment.sender

        (is_unique, constraints) = is_unique_sender(sender, state)
        if is_unique is True:
            return []

test case malicious contract

Whether there is "require(msg.sender == lp_address)" or not, detect result in my expection. And also apply a modifier also work well too.

contract VulnCallback {

    address public lp_address = 0x1E227979f0b5BC691a70DEAed2e0F39a6F538FD5;
    function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external {
            require(msg.sender == lp_address);

variable "pool0" could be controlled arbitrary from the malicious CALLER lp contract, at that point "msg.sender" could be any one. The following test contract has no detected issue.

contract VulnCallback {
    address public lp_address = 0x1E227979f0b5BC691a70DEAed2e0F39a6F538FD5;
    function uniswapV3SwapCallback(int256 amount0Delta, int256 amount1Delta, bytes calldata data) external {
             (address caller, address pool0, uint24 fee1) = abi.decode(data,(address, address, uint24));
             require(msg.sender == address(pool0), "not authorized");
norhh commented 1 week ago

Mythril restricts the user addresses to the list of ACTORS, which you can find in mythril.laser.ethereum.transaction.symbolic In this case you can either construct 3 different constraints pertaining to the 3 actors or construct one constraint pertaining to "SOMEGUY" from the class Actors