While investigating issue #8447 I've found that the nodes running with RocksDB present a significant worse performance on getEarliestAvailableBlockSlot()
Logs for comparison purpose:
Holesky nodes:
LevelDB node: ./teku --config-file=/etc/teku/teku.yml debug-tools db get-earliest-available-block-slot
Time to retrieve earliest available block slot in the database 183ms
RocksDB node:./teku --config-file=/etc/teku/teku.yml debug-tools db get-earliest-available-block-slot
Time to retrieve earliest available block slot in the database 25398ms
While investigating issue #8447 I've found that the nodes running with RocksDB present a significant worse performance on
Logs for comparison purpose:
Holesky nodes:
LevelDB node: ./teku --config-file=/etc/teku/teku.yml debug-tools db get-earliest-available-block-slot Time to retrieve earliest available block slot in the database 183ms 1578560
RocksDB node:./teku --config-file=/etc/teku/teku.yml debug-tools db get-earliest-available-block-slot Time to retrieve earliest available block slot in the database 25398ms 1591424