Consensys / vscode-solidity-auditor

Solidity language support and visual security auditor for Visual Studio Code
GNU General Public License v3.0
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graph (this) only works on first file #147

Open foufrix opened 5 months ago

foufrix commented 5 months ago

On a foundry project

  1. Opening the 3 files in VS Code
  2. Clicking on graph (this) on contractA -> preview graph of contractA shows, but named Preview: Untitled-1 (should be Preview: ContractA.sol as per the gif on repo readme image
  3. Clicking on graph (this) on contractB reopens graph of contractA, shows Preview: Untitled-2
  4. Closing all Preview and related digraph G files without saving them
  5. Clicking on graph (this) on contractC reopen graph of contractA, shows Preview: Untitled-1


surya graph src/ContractA.sol   | dot -Tpng > ContractA.png 
surya graph src/ContractB.sol   | dot -Tpng > ContractB.png 
surya graph src/ContractC.sol   | dot -Tpng > ContractC.png 

Generating images using directly surya works ok.

Is anyone else having this issue?

srihar5ha commented 3 months ago

I've experience the same issue. graph(this)for every file displays graph of first file we generated graph for. Any fixes? This is a major feature i want to use this extension for.