ConservationMetrics / mapgl-tile-renderer

Headless Node.js Maplibre-GL renderer for generating MBTiles with styled raster tiles.
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Terraform module to deploy on Azure #33

Closed IamJeffG closed 4 months ago

IamJeffG commented 4 months ago


Resolve #30: demonstrate how to deploy on Azure

What I changed

  1. Add new folder deploy/, containing terraform modules. This folder is added to .dockerignore, and also has its own Terraform-specific .gitignore
  2. Terraform module relies on a bit of existing (most likely shared) infrastructure, namely a storage account and container registry. This can be specified by the user via Terraform variables.
  3. Terraform module creates the Queue for new requests; the app container and its environment and scale-out rule.

What I'm not doing here