Const-me / Whisper

High-performance GPGPU inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model
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Batch Processing failed #216

Open Gothand opened 2 months ago

Gothand commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for your attention.

I was using the main.exe to batch processing my *.mp3 files.

This is my command.

D:\Whisper\cli>main.exe -m D:\Whisper\medium\ggml-medium.en.bin -gpu -otxt -nc -nt D:\Whisper\MP3

I got an error message. This is the output.

Requested GPU not found: "-otxt" Using GPU "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060", feature level 12.1, effective flags Wave32 | NoReshapedMatMul Loaded MEL filters, 62.8 kb RAM Loaded vocabulary, 51864 strings, 3050.6 kb RAM Loaded 947 GPU tensors, 1462.12 MB VRAM Computed CPU base frequency: 2.208 GHz Loaded model from "D:\Whisper\medium\ggml-medium.en.bin" to VRAM Unable to decode audio file "D:\Whisper\MP3", MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL failed

Can someone help me figure out this?
many thanks for your help!

tigros commented 2 months ago

i see 2 problems, don't put -gpu and you're trying to process a folder, main.exe can only process one file at a time.

you could conjure up a batch file, but might as well use Whisperer to spare yourself the trouble.

Gothand commented 2 months ago

i see 2 problems, don't put -gpu and you're trying to process a folder, main.exe can only process one file at a time.

you could conjure up a batch file, but might as well use Whisperer to spare yourself the trouble.

Thanks very much. I have tried Whisperer. It worked so well, a cool tool.

I am a programmer rookie, I will try to learn how to write a batch file.

Thanks for your suggestion. Helped me a lot.