Constannnnnt / Distributed-CoreNLP

This infrastructure, built on Stanford CoreNLP, MapReduce and Spark with Java, aims at processing documents annotations at large scale.
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finish relation #12

Closed KaisongHuang closed 6 years ago

KaisongHuang commented 6 years ago

I chose the default relation suggested by API (i.e. the relation had the highest possibility) to make a triple like (entity1,relation,entity2).

preview of -relation:

((0,tokenize),The-1 University-2 of-3 Waterloo-4 is-5 located-6 in-7 Canada-8 .-9 Goose-1 lives-2 in-3 this-4 University-5 .-6)
((0,pos),(The,DT) (University,NNP) (of,IN) (Waterloo,NNP) (is,VBZ) (located,JJ) (in,IN) (Canada,NNP) (.,.) (Goose,NN) (lives,VBZ) (in,IN) (this,DT) (University,NNP) (.,.))
((0,ner),(The,O) (University,ORGANIZATION) (of,ORGANIZATION) (Waterloo,ORGANIZATION) (is,O) (located,O) (in,O) (Canada,COUNTRY) (.,O) (Goose,O) (lives,O) (in,O) (this,O) (University,O) (.,O))
((0,relation),(University,_NR,Canada) (Canada,_NR,University))
((1,tokenize),The-1 University-2 of-3 Waterloo-4 is-5 located-6 in-7 Canada-8 .-9 Goose-1 lives-2 here-3 .-4)
((1,pos),(The,DT) (University,NNP) (of,IN) (Waterloo,NNP) (is,VBZ) (located,JJ) (in,IN) (Canada,NNP) (.,.) (Goose,NN) (lives,NNS) (here,RB) (.,.))
((1,ner),(The,O) (University,ORGANIZATION) (of,ORGANIZATION) (Waterloo,ORGANIZATION) (is,O) (located,O) (in,O) (Canada,COUNTRY) (.,O) (Goose,O) (lives,O) (here,O) (.,O))
((1,relation),(University,_NR,Canada) (Canada,_NR,University))