2018-11-18 23:42:23 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://ubuntu1604-002.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca:43674/jars/project-1.0.jar to /tmp((0,tokenize),The-1 University-2 of-3 Waterloo-4 is-5 located-6 in-7 Canada-8 .-9 Goose-1 lives-2 in-3 this-4 University-5 .-6)
((0,cleanxml),The-1 University-2 of-3 Waterloo-4 is-5 located-6 in-7 Canada-8 .-9 Goose-1 lives-2 in-3 this-4 University-5 .-6)
((0,ssplit),The University of Waterloo is located in Canada.|Goose lives in this University.)
((0,pos),(The,DT) (University,NNP) (of,IN) (Waterloo,NNP) (is,VBZ) (located,JJ) (in,IN) (Canada,NNP) (.,.) (Goose,NN) (lives,VBZ) (in,IN) (this,DT) (University,NNP) (.,.))
((0,ner),(The,O) (University,ORGANIZATION) (of,ORGANIZATION) (Waterloo,ORGANIZATION) (is,O) (located,O) (in,O) (Canada,COUNTRY) (.,O) (Goose,O) (lives,O) (in,O) (this,O) (University,O) (.,O))
((0,coref),The University of Waterloo:this University; )
((1,tokenize),The-1 University-2 of-3 Waterloo-4 is-5 located-6 in-7 Canada-8 .-9 Goose-1 lives-2 here-3 .-4)
((1,cleanxml),The-1 University-2 of-3 Waterloo-4 is-5 located-6 in-7 Canada-8 .-9 Goose-1 lives-2 here-3 .-4)
((1,ssplit),The University of Waterloo is located in Canada.|Goose lives here.)
((1,pos),(The,DT) (University,NNP) (of,IN) (Waterloo,NNP) (is,VBZ) (located,JJ) (in,IN) (Canada,NNP) (.,.) (Goose,NN) (lives,NNS) (here,RB) (.,.))
((1,ner),(The,O) (University,ORGANIZATION) (of,ORGANIZATION) (Waterloo,ORGANIZATION) (is,O) (located,O) (in,O) (Canada,COUNTRY) (.,O) (Goose,O) (lives,O) (here,O) (.,O))
There are two issues here:
To use coref, the driver-memory needs 4G, otherwise, it fails
dcoref is the deterministic coref, which is different from the ml one, coref. However, most of their packages are similar, I am not sure when I write the dcoref one, will there any issues regarding the package reference?
There are two issues here: