Constellation / ibrik

CoffeeScript meets Istanbul - code coverage tool for CoffeeScript
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Question about coffeescriptredux #16

Closed bwiklund closed 9 years ago

bwiklund commented 10 years ago

The coffeescriptredux compiler doesn't seem to support a bunch of coffeescript features. Is it necessary to use this compiler over the official one?

DavidSouther commented 10 years ago

Agree, trying to add instrumentation to a mature codebase is a nightmare - many shorthands aren't compatible, and without a whole-hog switch we'll be running different code in test than in prod.

michaelowens commented 10 years ago

I'm having issues with this as well. It's a hassle to get my tests to work, seeing as code is running on production just fine, but for tests we need to modify the code that it doesn't support.

DavidSouther commented 10 years ago

I've opened a few issues in CSR -

Comment on those, and add more of your own?

michaelowens commented 10 years ago

Mine are mainly CS 1.7+ related, which already exists as an issue:

But that's 4 months old already with no sign of progress at all.

jonchay commented 9 years ago

This is an issue for me as well. I can't afford to be writing code that satisfies two compilers. Any progress on this? Or at least a reason why you chose to use coffeescriptredux?

michaelowens commented 9 years ago

This will be a lost cause as we can't count on CoffeeScriptRedux. I've tried asking for updates on CS 1.7 features here:

But they never responded. All tickets are only responded to by users, not the original creator.

jonchay commented 9 years ago

@michaelowens thanks for trying!

DavidSouther commented 9 years ago

I've grudgingly came to the same conclusion. Really too bad boy ibrik. On Sep 12, 2014 3:23 AM, "Jonathan Chay" wrote:

@michaelowens thanks for trying!

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michaelficarra commented 9 years ago

You guys know that you can submit PRs, right?

Constellation commented 9 years ago

Oops. Sorry for my further late reply. I had no time to do since I need to create my research prototype...

The coffeescriptredux compiler doesn't seem to support a bunch of coffeescript features. Is it necessary to use this compiler over the official one?

To touch JS AST. By doing so, we can leverage istanbul.

@michaelficarra: Is this problem simply solved by updating ibrik dependency to the latest CSR? I'm not a well-expertised CoffeeScript engineer, so I'm not sure which functionality lacks in CSR... If you need my help to implement something in CSR, please feel free to tell me :)

vendethiel commented 9 years ago

Stuff missing in CSR is mostly ... Rewriter abuses and super, I think

mackwic commented 9 years ago


Is this problem simply solved by updating ibrik dependency to the latest CSR?

Nope, CSR is now mostly incompatible with standard coffee. THIS COMPILER IS BROKEN, period.

I'm not a well-expertised CoffeeScript engineer, so I'm not sure which functionality lacks in CSR...

(also answering @Nami-Doc) CSR has very different handling of aliases, sugarisation, indentation, this, super, for loops, and classes. Code generation is also quite different. This is the consequence of the lack of specificication of the language itself. The CSR effort was vain without the support of the main coffee project, we should move on and stand to standard and reference technologies, not partial and exotic implementations (IE6 anyone ?).

Also, CSR has numberous compiler bugs that coffee hasn't. This is mostly a maturity issue as CSR has a real compiler architecture when coffee is in fact quite a hack, but the fact that the project is abandoned before being mature enough makes Ibrik unusable, unreliable, and a serious doubt for the seriousness of Ibrik itself as no serious project will be able to make code coverage in theses conditions.

@Constellation, you should consider seriously to change your compiler dependency. You will see that many forks sole existence is in fact related to this issue (and shame on them to not back-contributing). I offer my help if you want, it's a serious issue.

mikestopcontinues commented 9 years ago

+1. Please switch to standard CS.

grahaml commented 9 years ago

+1 - like most others here I would love to use this tool, but I'm not interested in using different compilers for prod and testing, or changing my code base to adhere to CSR, which is lesser known and lesser used that the original CS compiler.

scotdalton commented 9 years ago

:+1: for switching to standard CS

bloo commented 9 years ago

+1 for standard CS - hoping to see PR #25 in master soon

Constellation commented 9 years ago

Merged. And published ibrik as 2.0.0 :)

mackwic commented 9 years ago

Congrats @Constellation , @scotdalton and @jstamerj ! And thanks ! :smile:

michaelowens commented 9 years ago

This is great! Thanks and well done guys!

Constellation commented 9 years ago

Thanks all and super thanks to @scotdalton and @jstamerj !!!

davidosomething commented 9 years ago

:fireworks: yay! been watching this repo forever