ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia / future-plan

Repository of future demand for work by the DSB. Used to manage demand and prioritisation for up to twelve months ahead.
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DSB Item - Authentication Uplift Approach #124

Open CDR-CX-Stream opened 1 year ago

CDR-CX-Stream commented 1 year ago

Following the CX of Authentication Uplift research outlined and summarised in NP280, the DSB are now working on an initial Decision Proposal to consult on the step-up and waterfall authentication approach.

Authentication uplift will also need to consider Credential Level pairings and recommendations from both the and reports.

The DSB will present on the topic of authentication uplift at the CDR Implementation Call on Thursday 13th July from 3pm-4:30pm. This session will cover key findings and opportunities from the CX research along with a brief overview of the DSB's approach to CDR authentication uplift. You can register for the regular call by emailing - see here for further details about the call.

markverstege commented 4 months ago

The following papers have been posted -

Feedback was received for both papers. A draft standard for authentication uplift is currently underway based on the feedback the DSB received to DP 327.