ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia / standards-maintenance

This repository houses the interactions, consultations and work management to support the maintenance of baselined components of the Consumer Data Right API Standards and Information Security profile.
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Specify if an Account is a joint account in the API response #513

Closed frollo-cdr closed 1 year ago

frollo-cdr commented 2 years ago


To include whether an account is a joint account in the Get Accounts API response. The type of account is key information in many use cases, especially lending.

Previously this has been looked upon as a privacy concern particularly from domestic violence advocates.

Yet who the account holders are is a factual matter often shared by account holders.

CDR provides the means for consumers to get data about themselves but not about another joint account holder. This however is not about obtaining customer data for someone else but account data. Customer data and Account data are different and account name is in the account data. The type of account should not be a privacy concern.

This proposal is simply to expose the type of account, not the other party's information.

Area Affected

Change Proposed

Adding an additional property to the accounts response specifying if the account is a joint account or not.

DSB Proposed Solution

The current DSB proposal for this issue is in this comment.

AdatreeCDR commented 2 years ago

Adatree supports this change request. In our opinion privacy is not an issue as no details about the other account holder are being disclosed. If you look at the marketing for joint accounts by the banking sector, you would be led to believe that a joint account is in fact a different account type or, at the very least an account attribute. Private information that can be derived about the second account holder would more likely come from transactions analysis rather than a boolean that says the account is jointly held. If that kind of risk is not a concern then a joint account flag certainly should not be.

RobHale-Truelayer commented 2 years ago

TrueLayer also supports this change. As already mentioned by @frollo-cdr and @Adatree, there would not appear to be any material disclosure or privacy impact as a consequence. In fact, the opposite could be argued. If there is some concern over sensitivity, then this could actually be “coded in” to any workflow to protect vulnerable consumers given awareness of a JA scenario.

If the flagging of an account as a JA is still a concern, another option might be to state where the inverse is true - ie the account is “wholly owned by an individual”. Perhaps the flag should specify the type of account - single joint unspecified to accommodate those DHs not yet publishing this data.

There is actually some overlap with an existing (broader) request proposed by TrueLayer in February ( - to obtain account holder names. It might help to consider both suggestions collectively.

However, just focussing on this new issue, and the benefits of including a JA flag There would be some significant benefits to CDR use cases, perhaps most notably for lending.

ghost commented 2 years ago

This addition would be very beneficial for a variety of ADR use-cases as already outlined. We support the request and see it as an worthy improvement.

Acknowledging that all DH's are different, from our DH position we don't see it as a challenging attribute to add.

Looking forward to this one being adopted!

NationalAustraliaBank commented 2 years ago

NAB also supports this information to be shared with the ADRs.

CDR-API-Stream commented 1 year ago

Hi all, thanks for the feedback on this. Treasury and the OAIC have confirmed that inclusion of a JA flag is permitted by the Rules. They have stated that additional personal JA data is not shareable (see below).

Customer data (which is information that identifies or is about the person, such as their first and last name) held about other account holders is not shareable under the CDR rules.

Under Schedule 3 cl 3.2(3) and Schedule 4 cl 3.2(4), customer data is neither ‘required consumer data’ nor ‘voluntary consumer data’ if it is in relation to an account holder or secondary user other than the person who is the subject of the request. This means that the Data Holder cannot disclose customer data about other account holders, and standards cannot be made to require this.

Other relevant provisions in the CDR rules include the restriction on accredited data recipients on asking for a consent for the purpose of identifying a person other than the CDR consumer that made the request (rule 4.12), and the data minimisation principle which provides that an accredited data recipient must not seek to collect more CDR data than is reasonably need to provide the goods or services requested (rule 1.8).

Whilst the CR focuses on joint accounts, can participants indicate whether this use case is also applicable to other multi-party accounts for individual and non-individual consumers?

jimbasiq commented 1 year ago

In the first MI 13 meeting we discussed what other data attributes we would like added to CDR APIs schemas. We have a few below:

  1. Date of Birth for the individual who is consenting to the data share - customer detail
  2. Running balance - transaction detail
  3. Enum to flag if an account is accessible by more than one individual - account detail
markverstege commented 1 year ago

This item was discussed last week in the maintenance iteration. The outcomes of that discussion were:

Feedback is sought on:

  1. Is the list of enumerated field types in line with ADR use cases, or are there other account relationships that should be included?
  2. Should this be applied to both individual and non-individual consumer accounts?
markverstege commented 1 year ago

Hi @jimbasiq, thanks for the feedback.

  1. Date of Birth for the individual who is consenting to the data share - customer detail

This is not currently permitted by the rules. See Schedule 3, section 1.3 (1)(c) (page 151): "(c) if the person is an individual―does not include the person’s date of birth."

  1. Running balance - transaction detail

Could you please raise a separate change request for this to it can be consulted on?

  1. Enum to flag if an account is accessible by more than one individual - account detail

Can you please describe how you see this differentiating from the enum being consulted on to handle sole, joint and multi-party account type?

speedyps commented 1 year ago

As stated in the call (26/10/2022), the preference from SISS would be that if we are using an enumeration, we would like some clear definitions such as SOLE=1, JOINT=2, MULTI=3 or more.

NationalAustraliaBank commented 1 year ago

We see, this is one of the 6 decision proposal which DSB will be opening. NAB will be taking that opportunity to respond to this request.

Meanwhile, our recommendation in brief at this point for the Joint Account Flag is -

  1. The customer type "ORG" may always have multiple nominated reps and thus should be considered as having "Multi-Party". The determination of whether a customer is an "Individual" or an "ORG" can be done by calling GET Customer Details, for which the ADRs in whose use case this information is relevant should request for the relevant scopes at the time of Consent Creation
  2. For an Individual customer, this field should be added with the enums as "SINGLE" and "MULTIPLE"
anzbankau commented 1 year ago

The proposed standards below are based on the following points (many which were expressed in the MI call 26/10/22).

  1. The original proposal was ‘whether an account is a joint account’ i.e. the type of the account is joint.
  2. The use cases in this proposal, its comments and the MI pertain to lending and different processing paths, with switching being another.
  3. The emphasis is on ‘ownership’ of the account i.e. a role that reflects a degree of control over that account.
  4. Ownership of accounts of non-individuals is significantly more complex than for those of individuals and joint accounts are not applicable to non-individuals.

Note: While ONE and TWO may be awkward being numbers, DOUBLE (to pair with SINGLE) is also awkward. And in the context of an 'account type', SOLE evokes 'sole owner' and would need to be paired with JOINT, which has a broader meaning in CDR as discussed in the MI.

Proposed Standards

Field Optionality Description
ACCOUNT_OWNERS Optional The number of parties with an ownership role on the account. This may influence how the account is treated e.g. a lender may need additional information from the other party(s) or may be reluctant to consider the account an asset when more than two parties are owners of the account. Not to be used for accounts owned by organisations.

Enumeration Description
ONE A single party has an ownership role on the account.
TWO Two parties have ownership roles on the account. For example, a joint account.
MANY More than two parties have ownership roles on the account.

markverstege commented 1 year ago

Hi @anzbankau, thanks for offering a proposal. Based on the discussion in the last MI call, the proposal would apply for both individual and non-individual accounts. It is at the discretion of the Data Holder how to treat the account ownership for organisations. It was noted by some data holders that they do permit multi-owner non-individual accounts. For instance, some sole trader accounts may be treated as non-individual consumer accounts that could have two or more account owners.

Further to this, we don't currently have a concept in the account APIs of individual vs non-individual account. If we adopt the change with the optional account ownership field plus the exclusion for non-individual consumers we couldn't default it as having the field absent would mean that the account isn't a personal account.

CDR-API-Stream commented 1 year ago

The current proposed solution is to adopt the change as proposed by @anzbankau here without the exclusion for organisations and the change listed below. That is, this change would apply for both individual and non-individual consumers.

It's proposed that the field be named accountOwnership with description "The number of parties with an ownership role on the account."

markverstege commented 1 year ago

Hi @NationalAustraliaBank thanks for the feedback.

We see, this is one of the 6 decision proposal which DSB will be opening. NAB will be taking that opportunity to respond to this request.

One minor correction, we discussed a Decision Proposal for a more extensive party relationship API but not for this change. This change can continue as a change request to deal with a more simple account ownership flag on the account.

Meanwhile, our recommendation in brief at this point for the Joint Account Flag is -

1. The customer type "ORG" may always have multiple nominated reps and thus should be considered as having "Multi-Party". The determination of whether a customer is an "Individual" or an "ORG" can be done by calling GET Customer Details, for which the ADRs in whose use case this information is relevant should request for the relevant scopes at the time of Consent Creation

Thanks. This change is not to be confused with nominate representatives. The change relates to the number of parties with account ownership. For non-individual consumers, a nominated representative relates to the authenticated end user who has the authority to establish data sharing access on their behalf. However this change considers how many parties have ownership of the account. Whilst and account owner may be a nominated representative, that is not always true and the two concepts should be treated separately.

Definitely correct, if the ADR needs to know whether the consumer is an individual or non-individual, they would need to request the customer scope under the current data clusters.

2. For an Individual customer, this field should be added with the enums as "SINGLE" and "MULTIPLE"

Thanks. As noted, @anzbankau have offered a proposal which aligns to this and the discussion of a two-party account ownership being distinct from three or more (multi-party) and decoupling terminology of account ownership from the overloaded "sole" and "joint" definitions.

CDR-API-Stream commented 1 year ago

Based on the discussions in the maintenance iteration, it was agreed that the DSB would post the proposal and incorporate provisions for complex ownership relationships. More commonly this will apply for non-individual consumer accounts e.g. a business, but there may exist complex ownership relationships for individual consumers as well e.g. probate scenarios for individual accounts.

DSB Proposed Solution

This change will introduce a new accountOwnership field into the BankingAccount object and apply to both the Get Accounts API and Get Account Details API. This change is a breaking change and would require a future dated obligation date. Further, the breaking change would introduce an increase in the version for the affected APIs:

It is proposed that the change aligns to a 6 month implementation milestone. According to the obligation schedule the corresponding obligation date would be: Y23 # 3, 10/07/2023.

Feedback is welcomed on the obligation date. It may be beneficial where other changes are identified for the affected APIs for them to be bundled together in a single release.

Details Name Type Required Description
accountOwnership string mandatory Value indicating the number of customers that have ownership of the account, according to the data holder's definition of account ownership. Does not indicate that all account owners are eligible consumers.
Enumerated values Property Value Description
accountOwnership UNKNOWN The exact party relationship cannot be determined.
accountOwnership ONE_PARTY One party is the owner of the account.
accountOwnership TWO_PARTY Two parties are the owners of the account.
accountOwnership MANY_PARTY Three or more parties are the owners of the account.
accountOwnership OTHER The account ownership relationship is a complex arrangement that cannot be expressed by the number of owning parties.
frollo-cdr commented 1 year ago

We are supportive of the DSB's proposed solution above as it fulfils the original change request.

WestpacOpenBanking commented 1 year ago

Westpac supports the need for a Joint-Account flag, however does not support the proposed solution for the AccountOwnership field. Leaving the definition of the proposed values to the discretion of each data-holder will introduce variability into the ecosystem that reduces the quality and reliability of this field when consumed. Adhoc introduction of attributes into a sectors compliance could result in a patch work of changes that bring minimal consumer value and overlook longer term privacy and data minimisation concerns. Westpac proposes that different options be proposed and consulted via a Decision Paper, so that a better outcome can be achieved for the ecosystem. We would also like this item to be tabled into the agenda in the next Data Standards Advisory Committee scheduled for 14-Dec.

NationalAustraliaBank commented 1 year ago

We agree to the comments by Westpac.

The introduction of accountOwnership field proposed above, will reduce the stability of overall solution and also potentially increase the response time. To achieve the balance points between the extra business value and cost/time required to support this proposal. We support the new flag for accountOwnership as suggested by Westpac.

CDR-API-Stream commented 1 year ago

During the maintenance iteration a variety of options were canvassed and discussed and each represented a trade off between the functionality being requested by ADRs and cost/time of implementation for DHs. The DSB believe that the proposed option is a reasonable compromise between competing needs and that further consultation would be unlikely to result in a different outcome.

It is also noted that the values represented in the enumeration must already be determined to meet the rule requirements for supporting a Joint Account Management Service and Complex Accounts.

As a result we will be proceeding to recommend the proposal as presented at the final MI meeting.

nils-work commented 1 year ago

This change request was incorporated through