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Decision Proposal 145 - Strategy for Reporting & Metrics #145

Closed CDR-API-Stream closed 3 years ago

CDR-API-Stream commented 3 years ago

This decision proposal outlines a roadmap and strategy for consulting on the reporting of metrics in the CDR ecosystem.

The proposal for consultation is attached below: Decision Proposal 145 - Strategy for Reporting & Metrics.pdf

Feedback is now open for this proposal for an extended period to account for the end of year break. Feedback is planned to be closed on Monday 25th January 2021, now extended to Friday 29th of January 2021.

TT-Frollo commented 3 years ago

Bringing forward the consultation on metrics can provide greater insight into the performance of the ecosystem. The sequence of the consultation into 2 quarters is beneficial so that the first 3 can achieve an earlier implementation.

Frollo suggests that the breaking down of the existing aggregated endpoint metrics by endpoint should include the acknowledgement that data holders can use a different provider for Product Reference Data and therefore a different endpoint would be required as a priority change to the standards. Frollo already provides a PRD solution to several data holders that is separate to their authenticated banking API’s. This current single aggregated API can limit competition in PRD provision as more work to integrate metrics to a single end point is required.

Frollo also suggests that the consent metrics are included in this first quarter as it can be associated to the CX experience work related to pending metrics and how many consents are withdrawn due to issues when providing consent.

We do not see the current manual regulatory reporting as being onerous and therefore not a priority for change.

anzbankau commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the opportunity to comment on the upcoming proposals.

We are broadly supportive of the proposal to extend the scope of metric reporting. Owing to the substantial volume of change already tabled for 2021, we suggest prioritizing these decision proposals. We believe that Item 6 “Refusals and Error Handling” is worthy of earlier consideration as it is the most likely to have an impact on current implementations.

We also suggest CX metrics be deferred and considered at the same time as consent metrics. Whilst we haven’t had the opportunity to review the detail of the proposal, we would like to raise for consideration the privacy aspect to gathering statistics on consumer behaviour. We suggest if there is a need to gain insights into consumer behaviour this may be better served through qualitative research with permission of consumers. We would also like to question whether test outcomes need an alternative channel to what is already established, as this would be extra complexity added to the solution.

NationalAustraliaBank commented 3 years ago

NAB welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback into the metrics and reporting items as per the consultation plan outlined in the DP.

WestpacOpenBanking commented 3 years ago

Westpac welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the strategy for reporting metrics. The implementation burden placed on data recipients and data holders to provide statistics across the listed topics may be considerable. We recommend that the DSB take a collaborative value prioritisation based approach to the expansion of reporting metrics across identified and not-yet identified metric categories. Value should be considered in terms of use cases, access patterns and the implementation costs placed on data recipients and data holders. A set of workshops may be a productive way to consider priorities and use cases holistically. Near real time data, very high accuracy (which can also negatively affect API performance if audit logging calls are required to be synchronous as is currently the case) and statistics that require new audit functionality are all likely to be more costly to implement. As a specific example, the computation of customerCount or recipientCount in near real time rather than over longer timescales is of limited value when the data is only consumed daily. We recommend that the strategy should allow for a range of data frequencies (such as weekly, monthly, 6-monthly, etc) based on factors including the benefit and value and required validation activities that may be expected to data to ensure accuracy.

In relation to the identified topics we have the following specific feedback.

1. Endpoint Metrics

commbankoss commented 3 years ago

The proposed consultations are important for the development of the CDR regime. Commonwealth Bank appreciates the DSB’s consideration of the following recommendations:

  1. The consultation period to address these topics is extended. The DSB is aiming to address these nine consultations by the end of Q2, which would allow only about 2 weeks per consultation on average. This is a heavily compressed timeframe in light of the breadth of scope covered, especially alongside existing and future consultations outside of reporting and metrics. This is particularly a concern given the recent Rules 2.0 amendment which will likely result in urgent technical consultations of significant scope.

  2. The consultations are sequenced to align to the urgency and impact each will have on the ecosystem. Several of the proposed consultations will have a greater impact and are potentially more ’urgent’ than others. For example, ‘Refusals and Error Handling’ is valuable, however there are arguably more urgent issues pending, and given the current rate of consumer uptake this consultation should be postponed until we are sufficiently informed of the problems to be solved. Commonwealth Bank’s preferred phased consultation order (in order of priority) follows:

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

CDR-API-Stream commented 3 years ago

As per community request the deadline for feedback has been extended to Friday 29th of January 2021.

PratibhaOrigin commented 3 years ago

Feedback from Origin –

This is a high level strategy paper – it is still unclear from a policy perspective whether these are the appropriate metrics. We cannot provide detailed comments at this time – we will have more comments once the detailed metrics are developed and consulted on.

Few queries from the high-level look – • Will it be mandatory to implement such monitoring and analytics endpoints? Or data holder can opt out? • If all reported data is travelling via gateway , can a gateway be responsible for collecting and providing metrics data? • PI protection must be heavily considered. • Will it be required to build certain set of APIs/endpoints for Conformance Monitoring? • Testing and Assurance will affect our delivery pipeline so it must be discussed prior implementation phase.

CDR-API-Stream commented 3 years ago

This consultation is being closed and we will publish an approach based on the feedback shortly.

CDR-API-Stream commented 3 years ago

Thank you all for the feedback provided. This will be fed into the consultations for individual topics, some of which will be released in the next few weeks.

The schedule decided upon, after incorporating feedback and balancing this against the needs of the regime as a whole is as follows:

Decision Proposal Topic Consultation Period
Endpoint Metrics Q1 2021
Brand Aware Metrics Q1 2021
CX Metrics for Data Holders Q1 2021
Refusals and Error Handling Q2 2021
Public Reporting and Dashboards Q2 2021
Data Recipient Metrics Q3 2021
Conformance monitoring Q3 2021
Testing and Assurance Q3 2021

Note that this is the consultation schedule and should not be confused with the implementation schedule. Implementation timeframes will be part of the content for these consultations.