ContactEngineering / Adhesion

Cohesive zone models and intermolecular interactions for contact calculations
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Enh/20 new potential pipeline model #4

Closed sannant closed 4 years ago

sannant commented 4 years ago

Simplified Potential Implementations

This is a draft for the moment.

The support for arrays of work of adhesion needs passing of masks and complicates the use of "evaluate" and naive pot.

One source of complication is that we support the distances that are scalars or arrays of any shape, and this clashes with the use of a mask.

I suggest that we now only support two dimensional arrays in the functions that are called during a simulation.

For other purposes, like determining the parameters of a derived potential, we can provide a more flexible convenience interface for the energy, the gradient and the curvature (each separately) since we don't care about performance in these cases. This flexible convenience interface can be implemented once for all in the parent class.

pastewka commented 4 years ago

Hi @antoinesimtek, do you want me to look at this?

sannant commented 4 years ago

I wanted to make a draft pull request, it's far from ready. Maybe the best is that we shortly discuss this live today.

pastewka commented 4 years ago

Can you prefix draft pull requests with WIP?

pastewka commented 4 years ago

I just did this, remove the WIP prefix once this is ready

sannant commented 4 years ago

Here a proposal how the simplified class structure could look like.

evaluate is a wrapper to _evaluate implementing area_scale. The only reason evaluate is split in evaluate and _evaluate is that it avoids to need to implement handling the area_scale thing in every potential.

We could probably get rid of it if the user rescales the work of adhesion according to the pixel size or if we implement a rescale pipeline potential . See #12

class Potential(SoftWall, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """ Describes the minimum interface to interaction potentials for
        Adhesion. These potentials are purely 1D, which allows for a few
        simplifications. For instance, the potential energy and forces can be
        computed at any point in the problem from just the one-dimensional gap
        (h(x,y)-z(x,y)) at that point
    name = "generic_potential"

    class PotentialError(Exception):
        "umbrella exception for potential-related issues"

    class SliceableNone(object):
        """small helper class to remedy numpy's lack of views on
        index-sliced array views. This construction avoid the computation
        of all interactions as with np.where, and copies"""
        # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
        __slots__ = ()

        def __setitem__(self, index, val):

        def __getitem__(self, index):

    def register_function(cls, name, function):
        cls._functions.update({name: function})

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in self._functions:
            def func(*args, **kwargs):
                return self._functions[name](self, *args, **kwargs)

            func.__doc__ = self._functions[name].__doc__
            return func
            raise AttributeError(
                "Unkown attribute '{}' and no analysis or pipeline function "
                "of this name registered (class {}). Available functions: {}"
                .format(name, self.__class__.__name__,
                        ', '.join(self._functions.keys())))

    def __dir__(self):
        return sorted(super().__dir__() + [*self._functions])

    def __init__(self, communicator=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
        self.curvature = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Potential '{}'").format(self)

    def has_cutoff(self):
        return False

    def compute(self, gap, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False,

        Updates the values of, self.gradient, self.curvature
        according to the provided gap, by calling evaluate()

            array of distances between the two surfaces
        potential: bool (default True)
            if true, returns potential energy
        gradient: bool, (default False)
            if true, returns gradient
        curvature: bool, (default False)
            if true, returns second derivative
        area_scale: float (default 1.)
            scale by this.
            (Interaction quantities are supposed to be expressed per unit
            area, so systems need to be able to scale their response for their

        energy, self.gradient, self.curvature = self.evaluate(
            gap, potential, gradient, curvature, area_scale=area_scale) = self.pnp.sum(energy) if potential else None

    def evaluate(self, gap, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False,
        """Evaluates the potential and its derivatives

        and scales the values by area_scale.

            array of distances between the two surfaces
        potential: bool (default True)
            if true, returns potential energy
        gradient: bool, (default False)
            if true, returns gradient
        curvature: bool, (default False)
            if true, returns second derivative
        area_scale: float (default 1.)
            scale by this.
            (Interaction quantities are supposed to be expressed per unit
            area, so systems need to be able to scale their response for their

        # This is a wrapper to _evaluate implementing area_scale.
        # The only reason evaluate is split in evaluate and _evaluate is that
        # it avoids to need to implement handling the area_scale thing in
        # every potential.

        if np.isscalar(gap): # TODO: eventually cancel support for scalars
            gap = np.asarray(gap)
        if gap.shape == ():
            gap.shape = (1,)

        V, dV, ddV = self._evaluate(gap, potential, gradient, curvature)

        return (area_scale * V if potential else None,
                area_scale * dV if gradient else None,
                area_scale * ddV if curvature else None)

    def _evaluate(self, r, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False,
        """Evaluates the potential and its derivatives
        Keyword Arguments:
        r          -- array of distances
        pot        -- (default True) if true, returns potential energy
        gradient   -- (default False) if true, returns gradient
        curvature  -- (default False) if true, returns second derivative
        if mask is None:
            mask = (slice(None),) * len(r.shape)
        return self.naive_pot(r, potential, gradient, curvature, mask=mask)

    def r_min(self):
        convenience function returning the location of the energy minimum
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def r_infl(self):
        convenience function returning the location of the potential's
        inflection point (if applicable)
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def max_tensile(self):
        convenience function returning the value of the maximum stress
        (at r_infl)
        max_tensile = self.evaluate(self.r_infl, gradient=True)[1]
        return max_tensile.item() if == 1 \
            else max_tensile

    def v_min(self):
        """ convenience function returning the value of the energy minimum
        return float(self.evaluate(self.r_min)[0])

    def ancestor_potential(self):
        return self

class ChildPotential(Potential):
    def __init__(self, parent_potential):
        self.parent_potential = parent_potential
        self.pnp = parent_potential.pnp
        self.communicator = parent_potential.communicator

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if item[:2] == "__" and item[-2:] == "__":
            raise AttributeError
            return getattr(self.parent_potential, item)

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = super().__getstate__(), self.parent_potential
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        superstate, self.parent_potential = state

    def ancestor_potential(self):
        return self.parent_potential.ancestor_potential()
sannant commented 4 years ago

Update of the proposal

We discussed in #12 that area_scale will be handled by the system, so we will only need the function evaluate instead of _evaluate and evaluate.

Also, we should probably move the storage of the last evaluated energy and force to the system, making the function compute obsolete. If we do so, I think there will not be any parallelisation in these interaction potentials anymore and we can get rid of the communicator.

@pastewka, what is your opinion ?

class SoftWall(Interaction):
    """base class for smooth contact mechanics"""
    def __init__(self):

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        makes a deepcopy of all the attributes except self.pnp, where it stores the same reference


        result SoftWall instance

        result = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
        memo[id(self)] = result

        keys = set(self.__dict__.keys())

        for k in keys:
            setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, k), memo))
        return result

    def __getstate__(self):
        return, self.gradient

    def __setstate__(self, state):, self.gradient = state

    def evaluate(self, gap, potential=True, gradient=False, area_scale=1.):
        computes and returns the interaction energy and/or forces based on the
        as fuction of the gap
        gap        -- array containing the point-wise gap values
        potential        -- (default True) whether the energy should be evaluated
        forces     -- (default False) whether the forces should be evaluated
        area_scale -- (default 1.) scale by this. (Interaction quantities are
                      supposed to be expressed per unit area, so systems need
                      to be able to scale their response for their nb_grid_pts))
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def force(self): # This is more a legacy
        if self.gradient is not None:
            return - self.gradient
        return None

class Potential(SoftWall, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """ Describes the minimum interface to interaction potentials for
        Adhesion. These potentials are purely 1D, which allows for a few
        simplifications. For instance, the potential energy and forces can be
        computed at any point in the problem from just the one-dimensional gap
        (h(x,y)-z(x,y)) at that point
    name = "generic_potential"

    class PotentialError(Exception):
        "umbrella exception for potential-related issues"

    class SliceableNone(object):
        """small helper class to remedy numpy's lack of views on
        index-sliced array views. This construction avoid the computation
        of all interactions as with np.where, and copies"""
        # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
        __slots__ = ()

        def __setitem__(self, index, val):

        def __getitem__(self, index):

    def register_function(cls, name, function):
        cls._functions.update({name: function})

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in self._functions:
            def func(*args, **kwargs):
                return self._functions[name](self, *args, **kwargs)

            func.__doc__ = self._functions[name].__doc__
            return func
            raise AttributeError(
                "Unkown attribute '{}' and no analysis or pipeline function "
                "of this name registered (class {}). Available functions: {}"
                .format(name, self.__class__.__name__,
                        ', '.join(self._functions.keys())))

    def __dir__(self):
        return sorted(super().__dir__() + [*self._functions])

    def __init__(self, ):

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Potential '{}'").format(self)

    def has_cutoff(self):
        return False

    def evaluate(self, gap, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False,
                 area_scale=1., mask=None):
        """Evaluates the potential and its derivatives

        and scales the values by area_scale.

            array of distances between the two surfaces
        potential: bool (default True)
            if true, returns potential energy
        gradient: bool, (default False)
            if true, returns gradient
        curvature: bool, (default False)
            if true, returns second derivative
        area_scale: float (default 1.)
            scale by this.
            (Interaction quantities are supposed to be expressed per unit
            area, so systems need to be able to scale their response for their
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def r_min(self):
        convenience function returning the location of the energy minimum
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def r_infl(self):
        convenience function returning the location of the potential's
        inflection point (if applicable)
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def max_tensile(self):
        convenience function returning the value of the maximum stress
        (at r_infl)
        max_tensile = self.evaluate(self.r_infl, gradient=True)[1]
        return max_tensile.item() if == 1 \
            else max_tensile

    def v_min(self):
        """ convenience function returning the value of the energy minimum
        return float(self.evaluate(self.r_min)[0])

    def ancestor_potential(self):
        return self

class ChildPotential(Potential):
    def __init__(self, parent_potential):
        self.parent_potential = parent_potential

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if item[:2] == "__" and item[-2:] == "__":
            raise AttributeError
            return getattr(self.parent_potential, item)

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = super().__getstate__(), self.parent_potential
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        superstate, self.parent_potential = state

    def ancestor_potential(self):
        return self.parent_potential.ancestor_potential()
pastewka commented 4 years ago

You proposal sounds good. We should not get rid of the communicator entirely, because we could envision solving the Poisson/Laplace equation for the electrostatic problem which would require parallelization. There may be other more complication interaction potentials that also require this. I agree that all of the present interaction models don't require communication.

sannant commented 4 years ago

I suggest to remove the docstring of inheritingclass(Potential).evaluate methods, so that the docstring of the parent class "Potential" is inherited. That way we don't have to write it multiple times in an identical way.

What do you think about this @pastewka

pastewka commented 4 years ago

Are you sure the docstring is automatically inherited. I don't think so.

sannant commented 4 years ago

I tried in the ipython console:

Signature: pot.evaluate(r, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False, mask=None)
Evaluates the potential and its derivatives

gap: array_like
    array of distances between the two surfaces
potential: bool (default True)
    if true, returns potential energy
gradient: bool, (default False)
    if true, returns gradient
curvature: bool, (default False)
    if true, returns second derivative
mask: boolean array, optional
    potential is only evaluated on gap[mask]
    this property is used by the child potential
    def evaluate(self, r, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False, mask=None):
        r = np.asarray(r)

        V = dV = ddV = None
        sig_r3 = (self.sig/r)**3
        sig_r9 = sig_r3**3

        if potential:
            V = self.eps*(2./15*sig_r9 - sig_r3)
        if gradient or curvature:
            eps_r = self.eps/r
        if gradient:
            dV = - eps_r*(6./5*sig_r9 - 3*sig_r3)
        if curvature:
            ddV = 12*eps_r/r*(sig_r9 - sig_r3)
sannant commented 4 years ago

But it could be that other things like sphinx don't understand this, since pot.evaluate.__doc__ is empty

Note that what I suggest means that we have to move the formulas from evaluate to the class docstring (I think this is fine). example for formulas in evaluate:

    mask=(slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None)),
    def evaluate(self, gap, potential=True, gradient=False, curvature=False,
                 mask=(slice(None), slice(None))):
        """ Evaluates the potential and its derivatives.
            These have been collected in a single method to reuse the
            computed vdW terms for efficiency

                           A      C_sr
            vdW(r)  = - ─────── + ────
                            2       8
                        12⋅r ⋅π    r

                        A      8⋅C_sr
            vdW'(r) = ────── - ──────
                         3        9
                      6⋅r ⋅π     r

                          A      72⋅C_sr
            vdW"(r) = - ────── + ───────
                           4        10
                        2⋅r ⋅π     r
            gap: array of distances
            potential    -- (default True) if true, returns potential energy
            gradient -- (default False) if true, returns gradient
            curvature   -- (default False) if true, returns second derivative
pastewka commented 4 years ago

Do these formulas show in Sphinx? You can also use some sort of LaTeX notation for formulas in Sphinx.

sannant commented 4 years ago

Yes this is on the todolist to convert them to LateX

sannant commented 4 years ago

The inherited docstring also shows up in sphinx

sannant commented 4 years ago

The ASCII-Art Formulas are ugly.

sannant commented 4 years ago

I removed the evaluate docstrings of the child Potentials.

sannant commented 4 years ago

@pastewka , I now replaced the use of ancestor potential by pot.pipeline(), in analogy to what is done in SurfaceTopography.

With this, I think this branch is merge ready.