ContactEngineering / ContactMechanics

Contact mechanics using elastic half-space methods
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Implement layered Green's function #75

Open sannant opened 1 year ago

sannant commented 1 year ago

@pastewka, would it make sense to implement it as a separate Green's function object here ?

Then we would as a first step use it to compute the elastic energy for full contact by integration with the PSD.

On long term, or if needed we will probably want to interface PeriodicElasticHalspace to to this Green's function construct .

pastewka commented 1 year ago

Yes this makes sense. We need to update the half-space classes to accept varying Green's functions

sannant commented 1 year ago

@prs513rosewood implemented it in his code and pointed me again to the reference. But this is only plain-strain.

I think the result is the same for plain stress but we need a reference.

def normal_layered_green(L, h, shape, substrate, layer):
    Plane-strain Green's function from Li & Popov (2020)
    Equations (30) and (31)
    q = np.fft.fftfreq(shape[1], d=L[1] / shape[1]) * 2 * np.pi
    q = np.abs(q)

    E2, nu2 = substrate
    E1, nu1 = layer
    E_star = E1 / (1 - nu1**2)

    A = ((E2 * (3 - 4 * nu1) * (1 + nu1) - E1 * (3 - 4 * nu2) * (1 + nu2)) *
         (E1 * (1 + nu2) - E2 * (1 + nu1)))

    B = 4 * ((E2 * (1 + nu1) + E1 * (3 - 4 * nu2) * (1 + nu2)) *
             (E1 * (1 + nu2) - E2 * (1 + nu1)))

    C = (E1**2 * (4 * nu2 - 3) * (1 + nu2)**2 - 2 * E1 * E2 * (1 + nu1) *
         (2 * nu1 - 1) * (nu2 + 1) * (2 * nu2 - 1) + E2**2 *
         (8 * nu1**2 - 12 * nu1 + 5) * (1 + nu1)**2)

    D = ((E2 * (1 + nu1) + E1 * (3 - 4 * nu2) * (1 + nu2)) *
         (E2 * (3 - 4 * nu1) * (1 + nu1) + E1 * (1 + nu2)))

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        G = 2 / E_star * (
            (A * np.exp(-4 * q * h) + B * q * h * np.exp(-2 * q * h) + D) /
            (q *
             (-A * np.exp(-4 * q * h) - B * q**2 * h**2 * np.exp(-2 * q * h) +
              2 * C * np.exp(-2 * q * h) + D)))

    G[0] = 0

    return G
sannant commented 9 months ago

@prs513rosewood, this also works in 3D correct ? needs that and might implement it in our code

prs513rosewood commented 9 months ago

@prs513rosewood, this also works in 3D correct ?

This works if you decompose the 2D DFT into plane waves and recompose after applying the Green's function, but I've never done that before. I'd try it on a homogeneous half-space first, with the plane strain homogeneous solution.

sannant commented 9 months ago

Ok thanks. I think that we just hace to replace q with sqrt(qx2 + qy2) and it should work, but we have to think that through.
As far as I understand, the 2D FFT is already a superposition of plane waves (with wavevectors of different orientations). I think we already had that discussion.

prs513rosewood commented 9 months ago

Given the isotropy and the normal load, q = |q| is a reasonable starting point. I can give you an independent 3d code if you're interested to have a reference simulation.