Open sannant opened 1 year ago
SDRP curvature from profile
zoom into the large scale end of the SDRP curvature from profile
code used to generate these plots:
import os
import pytest
import unittest
import numpy as np
from NuMPI import MPI
from muFFT import FFT
import ContactMechanics
from SurfaceTopography import Topography, NonuniformLineScan, UniformLineScan, read_topography
from SurfaceTopography.Generation import fourier_synthesis
unit= "m"
nx = 4096
sx = 1
dx = sx / nx
t = fourier_synthesis((nx,), (sx,), hurst=0.8, rms_slope=0.1, short_cutoff=4 * (sx / nx),
long_cutoff=sx / 4, unit=unit).detrend(detrend_mode="center")
R = 1/ t.rms_curvature_from_profile() * 10
t_artefacted = t.scan_with_rigid_sphere(R)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
def func(dx, dy=None):
return -np.min(dx)
l, c = t.scale_dependent_statistical_property(
n=2, func=func, reliable=True)
ax.loglog(l,c, "+k", label="original")
for reliable, color, label in [[False, "cyan", "scanned all"], [True, "k", "scann reliable"]]:
l, c = t_artefacted.scale_dependent_statistical_property(
n=2, func=func, reliable=reliable)
ax.loglog(l,c, ".", c=color, label=label)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(*t.power_spectrum_from_profile(resampling_method=None), "+k",label="original")
for reliable, color, label in [[False, "cyan", "scanned all"], [True, "k", "scann reliable"]]:
ax.loglog(*t_artefacted.power_spectrum_from_profile(reliable=reliable, resampling_method=None), ".", c=color, label=label)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(*t.scale_dependent_curvature_from_profile(resampling_method=None), "+k",label="original")
for reliable, color, label in [[False, "cyan", "scanned all"], [True, "k", "scann reliable"]]:
ax.loglog(*t_artefacted.scale_dependent_curvature_from_profile(reliable=reliable, resampling_method=None), ".", c=color, label=label)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(*t.autocorrelation_from_profile(resampling_method=None), "+k",label="original")
for reliable, color, label in [[False, "cyan", "scanned all"], [True, "k", "scann reliable"]]:
ax.loglog(*t_artefacted.autocorrelation_from_profile(reliable=reliable, resampling_method=None), ".", c=color, label=label)
hrms_r = [t.rms_slope_from_profile(), t.rms_slope_from_profile(), t.rms_curvature_from_profile()]
hrms_f, hrms_f_reliable = [
np.sqrt(t.integrate_psd_from_profile(fun, reliable=reliable)) for fun in [
lambda qx: 1,
lambda qx: np.abs((np.exp(1j * qx * dx) - 1) / dx) ** 2,
lambda qx: np.abs((np.exp(1j * qx * dx) - 2 + np.exp(-1j * qx * dx)) / dx ** 2) ** 2
] for reliable in [False, True]
t_artefacted.scale_dependent_curvature_from_profile(reliable=False, resampling_method=None)[0] Out[4]: array([2.44140625e-04, 4.88281250e-04, 7.32421875e-04, ..., 2.49267578e-01, 2.49511719e-01, 2.49755859e-01]) t_artefacted.scale_dependent_curvature_from_profile(reliable=True, resampling_method=None)[0] Out[5]: array([0.01025391, 0.01049805, 0.01074219, ..., 0.25439453, 0.25463867, 0.25488281])
t.scale_dependent_curvature_from_profile(resampling_method=None)[0] Out[8]: array([2.44140625e-04, 4.88281250e-04, 7.32421875e-04, ..., 2.49267578e-01, 2.49511719e-01, 2.49755859e-01])