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Change request: Plotting data #34

Open tdbjacobs opened 3 years ago

tdbjacobs commented 3 years ago

Dear All,

I think we set ourselves the goal of having high-quality plots that users can share (and even publish) as is. In my opinion, there are two things about the current plots that should be changed. (example plot shown below)

(1) The significant digits in the axis labels are ridiculous (1.500e-7). There is no meaning to this level of precision for an axis label: There should be no trailing zeros -- i.e. it should be "1.5e-7". (2) I would prefer if there were a radio button where the user could change the units (i.e. between meters, microns, nanometers) and have the numbers adjust accordingly. I personally prefer to see a plot in (nm), with "1.5" as an axis label rather than "1.5e-7".


Can we modify these two things?



mcrot commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think so, good idea. Thank you.

pastewka commented 3 years ago

We should also avoid the "e" notation, i.e. this should be shown as 5 x 10^-10.