season: 4
episode: 50
title: Captain Wolf of the SS SALTINES!! Guns of Icarus with the CPlus Community!
description: Wolf and Matorin host some Guns of Icarus, captaining steampunk airships against each other! Pretty cool if I do say so myself. Even some rando's joined in!
format: community
airDate: 2024-05-02
duration: "1:56:44"
ytID: BuPwpXTFabk
- community night
- guns of icarus
- gaming
- name: Wolf Seisenbacher
role: host
- name: Matorin Talfax
role: cohost
- DevPixel
- VoidTheProtogen
- Mizuhiro Neko
Season 4 Episode 50
.createEpisode s4e50