subnetpool_id is missing from the response model class NeutronSubnet. Below is the response I am getting from openstack.
can you please add that in the NeutronSubnet class?
Hi, @gondor @vinodborole my pull request is failing in Travis due to an unknown reason . can you help please?
"Expected feature release number in range of 9 to 15, but got: 8"
subnetpool_id is missing from the response model class NeutronSubnet. Below is the response I am getting from openstack. can you please add that in the NeutronSubnet class? { "subnet": { "service_types": [], "description": "", "enable_dhcp": true, "network_id": "c161e312-70cd-4f16-98ce-12a061544aa8", "tenant_id": "7435f7a1bcf445d1adabf76950b1d2ce", "created_at": "2020-03-11T09:44:09Z", "dns_nameservers": [], "updated_at": "2020-03-11T09:44:09Z", "gateway_ip": "", "ipv6_ra_mode": null, "allocation_pools": [ { "start": "", "end": "" }, { "start": "", "end": "" } ], "host_routes": [], "revision_number": 2, "ip_version": 4, "ipv6_address_mode": null, "cidr": "", "project_id": "7435f7a1bcf445d1adabf76950b1d2ce", "id": "7c9fcdbe-99ce-4f31-8bbd-9c0ece1cc7fa", "subnetpool_id": "7bb7a3f6-d6f0-4ce1-9ce5-637735c546f9", "name": "tenant_subnet_ipv4d_1" } }