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Mesos agents not reporting expected hostname #284

Closed jsmodic closed 8 years ago

jsmodic commented 8 years ago

When I start my minimesos cluster and create a container through Marathon, the app gets reported as having a hostname of random characters and port instead of the IP and port like I'd expect. It'll show up like:


And that "555de6f7bb74" value is the the container ID of the agent running the task, which seems to be what Docker reports as a container's hostname by default.

And then nothing will communicate properly using this hostname value.

Is there a reason this is the case? If the agent was started with its --hostname parameter as the 'hostname -I' value, it should report the value that would reachable from the host machine.

jsmodic commented 8 years ago

It seems I've figured it out after blowing my setup.

I still had month old tags of the mesos-agents that must have gotten updated since then using the same tags. Purging my docker images and downloading the latest solved it.