Closed ianmiell closed 3 years ago
10130 terraform import aws_subnet.public subnet-08cc2047209edd397
10131 terraform import aws_subnet.public subnet-0c08d9415e2642212
10132 terraform destroy
10133 terraform import aws_subnet.public[0] subnet-0c08d9415e2642212
10134 terraform import 'aws_subnet.public[0]' subnet-0c08d9415e2642212
10135 terraform import 'aws_subnet.public[0]' subnet-00453148385c36010
10136 terraform import 'aws_subnet.public[1]' subnet-00453148385c36010
10137 terraform import 'aws_iam_role.eks_node_group_role eks-mach-eks-node-group-role
10138 terraform import 'aws_iam_role.eks_node_group_role' eks-mach-eks-node-group-role
10139 terraform import 'aws_iam_role.eks_node_group_role' eks-mach-eks-cluster-role
10140 terraform import 'aws_iam_role.eks_cluster_role' eks-mach-eks-cluster-role
10141 terraform destroy
10142 terraform import 'aws_iam_role.eks_cluster_role' eks-mach-eks-cluster-role
10143 terraform destroy
~/gi/terraform-examples/a/aws_e/f/spot_and_fargate main !1 pwd ✔ 07:28:56
maybe need to add unique ids to make this work reliably (at the moment the subnet ids above are randomly generated, for example)
aws ec2 describe-subnets
This is not easily abstracted, so I'm going to do on an as-needed basis.
If doesn't work, it might be because of 'left-overs' from previous failed destroys. Maybe try import, then destroy, then again?